Last Reminder for TV Program Witness To Murder, Wed., Aug. 20th @ 9PM ET/8CT

by AndersonsInfo 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    I think this was well done. It does a very good job at pointing out the control of the org, the failed prophecies, the ridiculous, exclusive hope...with pictures from the literature. The guy was a violent nutter...who just happened to be a JW.

    Whether JW's get it or not, the exposure of this high control religion with its wacky and deadly doctrines, cruel shunning and abuse policies to the non JW world is what is important.

    I'm saving this on the DVR.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think that in general it was GREAT, but I wish they would have made an effort to get the small details right. One example: during the almost 20 years I was "in" I NEVER, EVER heard JWs talking about the "rapture" as something they expected to experience, not even "anointed JWs.

    JWs consider the "rapture" doctrine to be part of Babylonish "Churchianity."

  • Dagney

    Bumping. This is a good watch. I hope this show is in circulation for a long time.

  • Balaamsass2
  • SAHS

    “AndersonsInfo”: “I just read on FB that in addition to Amazon Instant Video, Deadly Devotion episodes are also on Apple TV! The Witness episode will be available for streaming starting tomorrow.”

    That’s good news!

  • Watchtower-Free

    Down load here

    documentary produced for television on ID Discovery channel, , Wolves Among Sheep: the true story of murder in a Jehovah’s Witness community.
    WITNESS TO MURDER!jFZxQLSY!QF0RGdrCcO3iZSm53kn5Mo0c7eQfq68zlnlCH_29VCY

  • Browneyes

    here is a link to the show it works =)

  • AndersonsInfo

    I just received an email asking if we can get the download in MP3 or MP4 as the format Watchtower-Free suggested doesn't work on a lot of computers.


  • Watchtower-Free
  • moomanchu

    Well done show and mostly very accurate .

    I missed the part where they mentioned the rapture, but another blunder was

    when Jeff asks Kim where his cigarettes are and that he told her to buy him some.

    Maybe he was a closet JW smoker?

    I hope more programs come out exposing this wacky cult.

    Thanks for sharing

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