Oubliette, thanks! I have not been keeping up with Jehovah's Glorious Celestial Honey-Wagon-like organization. Shit!
Last Reminder for TV Program Witness To Murder, Wed., Aug. 20th @ 9PM ET/8CT
by AndersonsInfo 42 Replies latest jw friends
Juan, I understand your frustration and sense of resignation. Reading the comments posted on your site just made me want to bang my head against the wall.
The thing is, even the die-hard crazies who post and yell "apostate, unclean!" are only using what they've been taught. It's their magic shield to ward off anything that scares them and everything they don't want to deal with.
There are many who visit this site and yours and see that craziness for what it is. Without a forum for the nutters to put themselves on display, others who may be weighing the wackiness of the pseudo-religion in their minds may have a harder time seeing the light. The wackos actually help good-hearted ones to leave the cult because they put its nonsensical attitudes on display in a public place. We never know what will be that proverbial straw breaking the camel's back...but it's never a one-time thing. It's usually a buildup of "whoa, that doesn't make sense" and "how can that be?" and "they are truly acting crazy!" that opens eyes and hearts and minds.
I don't blame you for not arguing...there is no arguing with a crazy person...but you never know how many honest-hearted, good people are reading those posts and benefitting. So Thank You for helping folks to see TTATT, however you choose to do it.
Many hugs to you!
Juan Viejo2
For those who might have missed this announcement elsewhere, you can read James Kostelniuk's own review of the show:
Barb Anderson's website: http://watchtowerdocuments.org/jim-kostelniuk-the-making-of-witness-to-murder/
At my website: http://watchtowerwatch.com/blog/behind-the-scenes-witness-to-murder
Mr. Kostelniuk welcomes your comments and own reviews of the show.