Because The Governing Body Is In Denial They Can Not Comprehend The Suffering They Impose Upon Jehovah's Witnesses With Their No Blood And Disfellowshiping Policies

by frankiespeakin 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    Denial works it horrors on the needless suffering they cause their members. Denial about their God delusion, denial about their faulty policies, denial about children dying in vain over some stupid ban on blood. If it is one thing the Governing Body do best it's DENIAL, and denial is a killer in their case and the death toll will keep rising until they can face the facts, instead of pushing them away with denial.

    Yes they hear but only with annoyance any facts about their biblical interpetation as being wrong and delusional, because the stakes are high; their position as Corporation CEOs, a better future for their followers, the future of the corporation they are running, I'm surprised that none of them hasn't attempted suicide over the dilemma they are in over this denial thing, surely some must see the 'writing on the wall' so to speak?

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    In some way denial is more or less a part of the cognitive dissonance.....or at least some pseudo-denial.

    In some way the GB might understand and be aware of all suffering, but sice obeying is more important than free thaought and a good life (before the big A) the suffering is considered irrelevant.

    They also have some compensation theory......every loyal believer will be compensated in the paradise, therefore...again.....suffering is irrelevant.

    Besides....suffering makes the believers more dependent of hope of something better in the future.....not to stop suffering now, such a stop is just for the time, not a permanent stop. So, yes, my idea is that suffering is irrelevant for cult least others suffering. It's very cynical.......moraly worse than plain psychological denying.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think you bring up a good example of how they compartmentalize things.

  • Vidiot

    Dismissing servant - "In some way denial is more or less a part of the cognitive dissonance..."

    Sure it is.

    However, I've come to suspect that authoritarian leaders (the GB included) don't experience cognitive dissonance the way the rest of us do.



    ......The WBT$ Sociopath GB Popes know exactly what they`re doing..


    ................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Yes, that might be the psychological term for it, Frankie! I haven't used that word since the 1980's! :-)

    And yes, Vidiot, I interesting thought......the GB are effected by cognitive dissonance (at lest if they are true believers) but their makes the dissonance copletely different from e g a sister (publisher) with no power att all in the organisation.

    Could gognitive dissonance and megalomania be ....."overlapping" psychological phenomena? Or maybe is cognitive dissonance a part of megalomania......a megalomaniac can't be well functioning in his cognitive processes.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    As usual, you nailed it, Outlaw! With you mere presence in this thread!

    A well functioning person appreciates freedom, has a good sence of humour.......and has the ability to enjoy good things in life, like fried chicken and beer! :D Hmm, and music and women, I hope.

    Maybe some of us have tendency to intellectualize or's interesting....but those things mentioned abouve is probably better in the long run! :)

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    They comprehend. There is abundant proof that they comprehend. You truly believe it is an accident? Perhaps many years ago. I will not subject myself to WT lit. The bit of lit I do read scares me. It is not accidental. Cold and manupilating is what is going on.

  • metatron

    All fanatical religions end up with the same principle that allows them not to care. It started with the Catholic Inquisition:

    "Kill them all, God shall know his own"

    It later was restated for the US military:

    "Kill them all, Let God sort 'em out"

    And that's the way it is. If you were righteous, you get resurrected and if not, so what?

    Ordinarily, I am skeptical about any moral governance by atheists but on this score, they seem advantaged.


  • Vidiot

    Dismissing servant - " interesting thought......the GB are effected by cognitive dissonance (at lest if they are true believers) but their makes the dissonance copletely different from e g a sister (publisher) with no power at all in the organisation."

    I actually meant that I don't think they experience cognitive dissonance at all (as opposed to normal people, who can).

    All the first- and second-hand information info we've heard suggests that they really do believe it's "The Truth"...

    ...whilst simultaneously knowing that it's wrong.

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