It's All About Tablets

by metatron 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal


    You mean the brother actually said that to the older people who were complaining about the "new light" on using formerly "demonized" technology??...Now it has a clean bill of health???

    Well, people have good reason to be appalled at these changes, especially older people - not to mention the fact that it costs money to own and maintain these devices.

    "If you don't like it there's the door" . ... Well, thankfully, I already headed for the door quite a few years back, so no more religion for me.

  • RagingBull

    At the International Convention, when the sun was out, I remember being BLINDED by the rays reflecting off of some of the tablets out there.

    Kingdom Halls are getting the "Business" Package for internet service at many of the KH and AHs all over. Xfinity is getting paaaaaid.

    An advantage to the JW.ORG is ... hopefully, members will stop going to the literature counters. When asked why they're not taking magazines and donating money for it they can say "Oh I tell the householders that the magazines are on JW.ORG!" What? The elders' gonna tell someone NOT TO PROMOTE JW.ORG??? OVER THE GBs DEAD BODIES!!! (don't I wish)

  • Londo111

    I wouldn't be suprised if the Watchtower came out with their own tablets that only go to JW.ORG

  • BluesBrother

    I have been told that when the C/O gave his Thursday talk, it was not "Spiritual food" so much as a teach-in on using the library on line at Many older ones do feel left out by all this.

  • neverendingjourney

    An advantage to the JW.ORG is ... hopefully, members will stop going to the literature counters.

    I suspect this is partly the motivation. Not that they'll stop printing overnight, but if they can transition their membership slowly over to electronic media they can begin winding down their printing activities.

    Over the next few years a good portion of Witnesses in developed lands will have tablets. Five to ten years from now the price of tablets will have gone down tremendously and will become accessible to all but the poorest Witnesses. Perhaps in 20 years or so the Watchtower can pull out of the printing business altogether and local congregations can outsource whaever essential printing needs they may have to local vendors.

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