Jehovah told to Moses: "....kill every woman who has had sexual relations with a man"

by opusdei1972 70 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • millie210

    Dismissing Servant, that is pretty funny.

    Line up ladies!

  • Heaven

    There is no need for inspection. I have no hymen.

  • BU2B

    WHen I first learned TTATT, I wanted to be a Christian. I like much of what he said and how he taught mercy and compassion. However, upon further thought, I realized that he loved and served YHWH, his father. YHWH was dispicable to me, so how could I honestly serve Jesus? Where was the condemnation of YHWH actions? He even brought up the Flood of Noahs day, which can be proven to never have occured. He gave approval of a global genocide of humans, plants and animals. How could I worship this person? How can I worship someone who says, serve me or die? No thanks..

  • Heartofaboy

    I like this thread.

    Some interesting thoughts being expressed.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Ironically, men have no hymen.

  • opusdei1972

    millie210 I admired Greg when I was a Watchtower apologist, and I was disappointed when he became an apostate by publishing his book "Three Disertations". Of course, it was so when I was a witness. But after leaving the Society I admitted that he was right by writing that book. Now, I still think that he is right in some issues, but now I see that he is enclosed in a fundamentalist position about the Bible.

    So, as you may see, I have passed through different religious steps. First I was jealous witness, then I left the Society but continued to be a fundamentalist christian, and now I don't believe that the Bible is inspired by God. Why?, because I realized that it is a colection of books that create more questions than answers. If a written work produces more questions than answers it will only cause confusions and divisions. This is why early christianity could not be a united religion. This is why even the Jews who were the first owners of the Bible could not be united in one doctrine. Why??, Why the Bible is the source of divisions?....Now I think that I know the answer: It is because it was written and inspired by different human minds to fulfill their own agenda.

    I recomend you the book The Bible Unearthed

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Israel was the same as the militants in iraq.

  • steve2

    millie, the courage you have shown - and show - in doing your best to make sense of life is outstanding.

    For me, my subsequent questioning of Holy texts was not in reaction to my upbringing in the organization. If anything, my upbringing made it all the more difficult to question the Bible. I had initially felt bad enough having doubts about the organization! I so wanted Scripture to be "true"; I was not en gaging in the "blame" game but more following a clear-headed pursuit of not allowing fear to stop me from examining religious claims. I read somewhere that in the early 1800s, a Christian clergyman had done an exhaustive "expose" of the Koran to demonstrate it was not "of God". A contemporary of the clergyman, upon reading the expose said something like, "He provides enough disquieting evidence to show that the claims of divine authorship of the Koran are seriously in question. Let's just hope he does not turn his critical analysis on the Bible!"

    And there you have it! For many religious people, the "parameters" of what they feel able to question are determined by their existing beliefs. They have no compunction shining critical scrutiny on others' "holy" texts, but do not do so to their own cherished "holy" texts. Indeed, they even cry "foul!" when another person scrutinizes their "texts". And the prime way that humans "deal" with those who dare to scrutinize sacred texts? Attack the person by calling their motives into question and making them out to be less than honorable. Hence, for example, in Islam, apostates are scum worthy of death, and in the Watchtower, apostates are scum worthy of death (at Jehovah's hands). When it comes to defending one's beliefs against scrutiny, nothing expunges scrutiny better than severe threats. The "great" religions of the world have long known that sociopathic truth about what gets people to obey: The threat of death.


    My favorite rapper is Busta' Hymen....


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    My favorite rapper is Busta' Hymen....

    I heard he's broke now...stretched his budget too far

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