They actually apologised for something?
Yes Heartofaboy, they actually apologised for something. In fact they apologised for two things.
The first was the shambolic way they (dis)organised things for the infirm and those with special needs on Friday. They completely underestimated the numbers and they ran out of facilities very early on. There were many who simply could not be properly accomodated.
The other apology was for the complete and utter cock up in organising the shittle (I mean it that way) buses going back to the hotels. There was no organisation of the queues. People waited patiently for bus after bus, only for them to turn up, stop in the wrong place and then have a bundle of brothers barge on, pushing and pulling - ignoring those who had been waiting for far, far longer. I know of one brother who in the end had to physically block the steps to the bus to let his pregnant wife, another family with a pregnant sister and some elderly ones get onto the bus where they had waited for bus after bus for almost 2 HOURS and simply been pushed out of the way all that time. All he got was abuse from his "brothers" in the melee. So much for brotherly love and showing an interest in others. I don't know how he showed that much restraint.