So recently a governing body helper gave a part on the convention. He said young ones who are saying and not financially ready should knock it off. What conflicting advice. You discipline young people for having sex before marriage. So they try to get married. Then you tell them don't persue marriage until you're financially ready. So they try to get financially stable. Then you tell them not to go to college. Seriously? So messed up. So glad my parents didn't drink the Kool-aid and let me attend college. Studies show that people with better education and money have lower divorce rates. But the watchtower will never acknowledge that. They won't even acknowledge that the divorce rate in the organization is the same as the "world." Awful advice.
How the organization's bad advice messes up young people
by kneehighmiah 15 Replies latest jw friends
keyser soze
Their advice to young people has but one objective- to steer them into a life of servitude to the organization. The long term consequences to the individual don't matter in the least to them.
Don't have sex until you're married.
Don't get married until you're able to support yourself and your new family financially.
Once you graduate high school, don't go to college - endeavor to (barely) support yourself through part-time work that allows you to pioneer.
So obviously the ideal young person is a financially destitue, single virgin with no life experience who spends all their time going to people's houses to tell them how they can be happy.
I don't see the problem.
I compare the advice from the KH to that of a free mental
hospital. The poor wounded souls (RF) in various stages of
healing and receiving advice from mentally unstable men.
The crazed leading the crazy, making them(RF) more unstable.
cha ching
HaHa OneEyedJoe...
That perfectly describes what happens on the "hamster wheel".
You go round and round, and get nowhere.
Great that you escaped KneeHighMiah!
I like to tell people I didn't go to college because I thought the world was going to end soon and it would not be a productive use of my time. It starts surprisingly good conversations.
cult classic
LOL OneEyedJoe
You guys are right on point. Education is key. It teaches you how to think and do for yourself. It also teaches you how to recognize when you're being lied to. WT doesn't want that. The young JW is as misguided, unprepared and confused as any kid can be. It is pathetic.
Young JWs are trapped in dysfunctional cycles. The power of the cycle is in direct proportion to the level of dedication/indoctrination of the parents or parent. Uneducated cult members give birth to future uneducated cult members. The children are conditioned to be apathetic and lack any drive to succeed. We have to break that cycle anytime we can.
Funny OneEyedJoe!
To add insult to injury, I know a 21 yr old young man who was removed as a MS because his wife didnt turn 18 until two months after the wedding.
Apparently the elders were upset that they were so young. But fornication would have been wrong too.
He was financially ok - she just was too young.
Another situation where ya just cant win........
Young very nice couple, both DF because they ran away to get married.
The young lady 17, he 19 years old.They never return to the KH. That
was 27 years ago, since then I have known several JW's get married and
divorce, with the blessing of Jehovah in the KH. This couple is still together,
raised two great kids (both finished college ) and still madly in love.
How do I know this, the young lady is the twin sister of my ex-daughter-in-law...