Members of the writing department has resigned

by hardtobeme 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • hardtobeme

    This is what I found at I don't know if it's true. Hopefully it is.

    On August 25, 2014, we received the following comment and inquiry:

    Good evening. I took notice of the recently posted report that 3 members of the Writing Dept. had resigned. Are you privy as the reasons why they left? If not confidential, yours truly would appreciate vital information about it. :) Thanks."

    To the author, thank you for your email. The report that 2 or 3 members of the Writing Department have recently resigned is not confidential, although we doubt the Watchtower Society would publicly admit this. The reports we have been given indicate that the men who resigned from the Writing Department resigned as a direct response to the plain and open teachings of Jesus. They each accept their sonship and the truth that ‘we are all, in fact, sons of God through our faith in Christ Jesus.’ (Galatians 3:26) They have decided that they can no longer participate in the publication of blatant errors or promote the death dealing ‘earthly hope’ doctrine, and they refuse to be a party to the disrespect shown to Jesus.

    Do not marvel at this. In the Bethel Headquarters and in Branch Offices and congregations around the world, our brothers and sisters are waking up to the true hope for Christians and the error of the Governing Body of ‘shutting up the kingdom of the heavens before men.’ (Matthew 23:13) We might say that stepping down from positions of oversight is ‘trending’ among Jehovah’s Witnesses. But not just overseers and pioneers, many, many publishers and Bible students are also awaking to the true hope and are taking their stand with Christ. And know that this ‘trend’ will continue until all of the Father’s children have left the servitude of men and gotten on the path to ‘the real life.’ (1 Timothy 6:19) All that will be left in the Watchtower organization will be those who truly want to serve men ‘whether it appears sound from a human standpoint or not,’ and they will receive their reward in full.

    We can also share with you that certain members of the Governing Body are having a crisis of conscience. Some of them see death as their solution and means of escape. But there are a few who are being tormented in spirit with many sleepless nights and are prayerfully seeking a way to extricate themselves from their error. In these men, the spirit has found an opening and is bearing witness to them that God truly is not partial and that any man exacting righteousness is acceptable to him. (Acts 10:35) They are beginning to see their way to correction and repentance. But as a body, they have lost control over the flock and are being manipulated by legal and public relations problems, and pressured by those in line to step into their shoes. We do not envy their position, and that is why we are doing all we can to help them. But as Paul made clear:

    “Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap; because the one sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh, but the one sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit.” – Galatians 6:7-8

    It is our prayer that each one of them begins ‘sowing with a view to the spirit’ by openly confessing their errors and leading the flock to the Christ, so that they, and all who follow them, can be saved.

    And to all our brothers and sisters who are already standing up for Christ, we encourage you to continue standing firm. Your efforts are indeed making a difference, not just in an organization, but in promoting Jesus’ ministry and uplifting the spiritual conversation worldwide. It is by means of your efforts that the Ninevite Possibilitycontinues and is becoming a reality.

  • designs

    hardtobe- what are you Evangelical?

  • hardtobeme

    No, I'm JW. I found that site a few months ago. That's what I read today... ;)

  • losingit

    This would be interesting if it were true. Idk, I have a hard time getting worked up about rumors.

  • millie210

    Thank you for sharing it HardToBeMe. It is interesting to read.

    It sounded like it could be true (maybe!) until I got to the part about some of the Governing Body in crisis...

    I saw them at the various assemblies. They are riding high right now, if their body language and speech is any indication.

    That makes me doubt the whole post above.

  • designs

    hardtobe- so why are you promoting a Letter from some people speaking for God by stating these people were not "saved". Do you really believe that.

  • Listener

    I agree with Millie, it sounded convincing until you get to the part about the GB. The GB are a very secretive mob and would unlikely express their concerns (if they had any) to anybody, it would compromise their positions.



    I think the JW Anointed are just hopeful..

    I wouldn`t be surprised if the WBT$ DF`s everyone of them..


    Ya the web site is for real..(I don`t think the WBT$ is too Happy about it..LOL!!)

    Whether you agree with them is another matter..

    ....................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • designs

    The website link is defintely Evangelical oriented. Its an agenda like any other...

  • millie210


    I hope it isnt hard to be you here tonight.

    I really do appreciate what you shared. I just am not sure...

    I wish it was true - that would be great!

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