designs If you want to debunk the Watchtower, the best way is to use firstly the Bible to show that the GB is distorting the context of many passage. If you begin by debunking the Bible, witnesses will reject you.
Members of the writing department has resigned
by hardtobeme 89 Replies latest jw friends
We can also share with you that certain members of the Governing Body are having a crisis of conscience.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seriously?! I just don't seem a "humble" man akin to Ray Franz among the lot.
I have so much respect for Ed Dunlap & Ray Franz as they chose not to die with a crisis of conscience. But stood by truth, and chose not to stand quietly to their death, but chose to have their freedom of truth, mind & heart. They chose to walk away from any 'glory of men' and Bethel comforts. For any GB or their 'helpers' with a crisis of conscience, their silence or 'winking' at Headquarters practices, and misrepresentations will only bring misery to them as they age. I will not have sympathy for them. I feel sorry for some of their hurting little ones who don't know better,,those trusting but weary and mostly miserable.
Even though they may be whack jobs and embellished the story, I don't believe they're lying about the resignations. i doubt the governing body is losing any sleep though. Some people speculate that the November 15 questions for readers about the 2 witnesses is a backhanded dig at the creators of the site, who use that as their psuedonym.
Since January 2014, I have noticed a palpable, change in the Tone of some Watchtower Study edition articles.. I have seen areas of these articles that place more importance in Jesus and His Example, than on "Obeying The GB".. These shades of humility and genuine concern for Truth in these writings, have not challenged any of the WT doctrines, but nonetheless there was something there.
Do you mean that the other way around?
Well no doubt an uncommon few are putting together the derailing of the United Nations tracking prophecy in 1990 that instead became a UN NGO co-promotional of the "new world order" by Bethel as a sort of UN global adjunct advertising agency (Awake! 9/8/1991) is really the big red flag complimenting the GB dictatorship red flag of 1976.
Now put that apparent purposeful corporate and ministerial subversion together with not really explaining the post 1990 globalization acceleration that Russia, China and India all joined as socialism was scrapped along with "the threat of global communism" as the fall of the USSR opened the door to rampant Anglo-American global finance and military expansion (Dan11:40?) now fully aided by over half the world formerly behind the global "iron curtain" and obviously a Bethel JW lobotomy is what is really at work. And that by master surgeons of this kind of subversion right inside Bethel's OR, it is too well diverted to be all accidental. (Dan11:41?);
Obviously a defunct USSR is no real "King North". Bethel? Not a peep.
In time some throughout the JW organization have to be suspecting this is far worse than just diversion from the "plain and open teachings of Jesus", of which a JW anointed type outlet is just a side route to bag drifting JW "sheep" for Paypal button clicking support from more internet grifters, intentional or not, who target this peripheral wandering cash cow like wolves on a wandering group of sheep.
In my opinion, Bethel is actually a deeply seated well planned organizational corporate takeover in the making which the 1976 "Governing Body" anomaly was merely the first visible stage of. So getting out of the org for those uncommon few who can see something is up is probably literally safer then staying in a ship obviously now off course and engineered for the coming iceberg. You can't fool all of the people all of the time even right at the heart of the subversion in the apostate Bethel halls of fame.
The glaring red flag is Bethel is obviously where the final apostasy has formed and there isn't one JW alive who went through the 1919 era "judgment" so all JWs are eligible for 1 Peter 4:17. And that is what most dolt JWs do not want to admit is even possible, they want to present pre-1950 JW achievements as if they did it too, it is an echo-chamber effect pumped by the Bethel plagiarists. Probably even since 1980 many Christians have fled Bethel as it itself is now its own JW "disgusting thing" not to mention a UN NGO alliance (Matt24:15, Dan8:12-13) that is far more than "library card access" it is a co-promotional agreement, that is what UN NGO means in the UN Department of Public Information, "advertise, advertise, advertise" the real King North 1990 3rd UN placement (Dan11:31, 8:23) "8th King" and his "King South" soon-to-be-checkmated nation-state global kingdom. (Dan11:42-43).
In my opinion, this isn't just random hypocrisy at work inside lawless Bethel, this is a global corporate coup in the making, a multi-billion dollar mark at that. It is only going to get more interesting as the global financial and world war conditions intensify in the future. Into that abruption is when JWs will get tossed from the Bethel boat like Jonah, with no compass whatsoever. The writing is on the "found wanting" Bethel wall. -
I am personally skeptical. It been 30 years since CoC and nothing had shaked the organization. Cult is still strong with millions of followers. There were always unhappy people in the high ranks of WT since its foundation and there was always power struggle. I find it funny when people talk about inner awakening, when these people have the same access to the same tool and the same bible as many of us who jump the ship years ago. What they were doing? Holding into the rope of the WT and awaiting for Kingdom to come after all these decades and 100+ years of nonsense? Also there were always appologists who were DF and still think that WT is the "Truth" and they seem themselves as another Issiah or Jeremiah on mission reforming WT or even turning it into more crazy cult.
Every year their are more and more anti-JW sites that spring up.
Sooner or later , surely , that has to have a positive effect in making them redundant .
Ocean 1111 - can I have some of what you have been smoking, please?
If this were a secular press release, it would not make it past the sub-editor. It is badly worded: Look at the ungrammatical Title alone: Members of the writing department has (sic) resigned.
The speculative tone, lack of verifiable detail and, a dead giveaway, the evangelical agenda. Hell, if anyone remotely connected with the Writing Department had the kind of experience the poster describes, they would not be hiding their light under anonymity - you can guarantee that.
Most importantly, the poster is unknown and, whilst their motives can be deduced, everything about the OP stinks of over-ripened wishful thinking and a thinly-veiled dollop of mischievousness.
If it turns out to contain even a kernel of truth, it is no thanks to its shonky presentation on this forum. 3 posts in 5 hours - man has this "reporter" hit and run or what?!