No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit...Elders

by jam 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jam

    How many elders do you know that have produced bad

    fruits, their kids???

    I was thinking and three prominent elders one a CO.

    I realize that young people leave when they become adults, but

    when the chidren leave and is gay, stripper and 6 kids by 4 different men

    and still remain an elder, WTH. Now we are talking about JW world,

    there is nothing wrong with being gay, stripper or who are the babies daddy...

    But JW are so judgmental and yet the princely ones are not bearing

    good fruit....Something was liking in your fruit bearing, that's in

    JW world.....

  • jam

    May I add, a red flag should go up on a elder when his kids have

    left the borg..Lets say you have four kids and one leave to do his thing,

    but when you have four kids and three take flight, then you didn't do

    a great job in cultivating or indoctrinating....

  • hoser

    I think they are so desparate to find elders these days that they turn a blind eye to these kinds of things.

  • jam

    Yes, you have a point..Lets not worry about our own household

    our mission is to tell other how to run theirs.

  • cantleave

    My old CoBE, has had three of of his four kids go off the rails, his wife had an affair with another brother in the congregation and his son is who has a total hypocrite.

    He knows who I am on here, I hope he reads my posts. I also hope he dies horribly and painfully, a perfect candidate to contract Ebola.

  • jam

    cantleave:WOW, I knew another elder a good person but his wife

    had mental issues and all his kids(5) left except one. I forgot, one

    of his daughter became a stripper.. For some reason we had a few

    pole dancers come out of this area. LOL

  • designs

    Tree bears?

  • jam

    Some may ask, how do I know about all the pole dancers.LOL

    MY sons. Funny story, my eldest son out with his buddies at

    a strippers club and up on the stage a sister he knew.

    She see him and come over to their table after her exotic dance,

    and ask to talk in private. She telling my son, I need to go back to

    the borg. My son, dad it was very hard to concentrate on spiritual

    matters when a young lady standing in front of you only wearing

    a G- string...LOL

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I know waaaay toooo many elders who are two for two and as many elders who are one for one and many more who are 2 for 1.

    Now what do I mean by the above numbers?

    Many elders in our circuit raised 2 children and when both children became adults they left the 'Truth'...2 for 2!

    Many others elders in our circuit who raised 1 child in the 'Truth', that child left and went south when he/she became an adult....1 for 1!

    And then there are those elders who are 50/50: If they raised 2 children in the borg at least one went to greener pastures when he/she became of age....1 for 2!

    To sum it all up: Watchtower's Elders bear little or no fruit! But that's good because in the end-less JWs in this world means less bad fruit!


    Years ago, when I was in a JW Book Study, one brother was a literal tyrant to his young 3-4 year old son. If the child so much as squirmed during the study, the brother would take him to the back room and spank him. At the time I considered it to be child abuse. Fast forward about about 16 years. Guess what? That son is now about 20, has rejected the Witness religion, grown long hair and a beard, etc. So I'm told that his actions are now preventing the tyrant father from becoming an Elder. HA HA!!! What goes around, comes around! Good for the young man for giving a big 'Screw You!!! ' to his idiot Dad.

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