Well I never understood why, unless the "child" is still living at home and is being fully supported by the parent...why would they be held responsible for what an adult child does? That doesn't make sense, but then, what does in JW World?
No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit...Elders
by jam 23 Replies latest jw experiences
LOL @ designs, I was also wondering about "tree bears" when I saw the thread.
Not only do the members produce little or
any good fruit...... the organization produces
bad fruit ...every prediction has failed, no matter
how they twist it!
Of the 6 elders that were on my committee in 1884: 10 of their collective children have left 'the truth' completely, 3 are gay, one is on class A drugs, 3 are apostate, the rest had mental breakdowns and fell away. The one married elder that did not have kids was removed as an elder but not disfellowshipped for sexually molesting a younger sister during and one-on-one home shepherding visit at her place.
"By their fruits you will know them."
According to the bible, 1/3 of God's sons flew the coop.........starting with Satan
Hezekiah was a good king and his father was a very bad king
Jesus had 11 faithful (?) disciples and one bad one.
jws have an answer to everything
speak out of both sides of their mouth
Of the 6 elders that were on my committee in 1884...
Dis-Member, I didn't realize we had an oldster among us! What was Russell like in person?
SafeAt Home: "but then, what does in JW world".That's the point.
In JW world you are constantly under a microscope by elders, some
elders not all. But the very ones where power have gone to their heads,
in most cases these are the ones that children leave the borg.
Why, because they way the shepherd the flock (unloving) is the same way
they deal with their childrens.
Of course no parent shuold be responsible for their adult child, but in JW world
an elder is a example for the flock...If all your children leave the borg when they
become a adult, something was wrong in your household.
It's not a case where they learn the truth about the truth, these folks
went beserk....
Dis-Mamber: How old are you? You have a great mind for
someone over a 130 years old. LOL
What about all the children that are total failures in life? They are more than 30 and staying with their parents, not because they are disabled but because they are supporting each other so they can pious-sneer. Alternatively, they go on welfare so they can pious-sneer. Later in life, these children must support their parents (on no income), work full time to support them, and still pious-sneer. Often these children are unmarried, and will end up dead before their time because of this stress. Many of these children are children of hounders or had their parents hounded to cut way back on work so they could pious-sneer.
And the worst may yet be coming. We dodged the false flag grid down blackout last November (but many did not dodge storm related blackouts). What happens to those hounders who kept preaching to trust in joke-hova? Those who heeded this advice were up sxxxcreek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe, when the lights went out--and would have been there had we got that three day blackout. And, what happens when the dollar becomes toilet paper soon? It is not if, but when. Every hounder that hounds people to get rid of their investment silver and gold, or guilts others into not buying any or that insists on everyone pious-sneering and donating into the Worldwide Damnation Fund, is responsible for everyone they hounded or guilted who is destitute when the dollar crashes and burns. True, many will not heed regardless. But the ones that were preparing or were legitimately about to start, but now do not prepare at the beckoning of the hounders, become part of that bad fruit.
Dis-Member , I didn't realize we had an oldster among us! What was Russell like in person?
Hahaha that's so funny.. LMAO!!
I mean 1984. I came in as a teen around 82'.. slipped out the back door in 84'.. back again in late 2013 and quit 4 months later. Took me just a week for the TATT to wake me up.