Quick, answer this question: What was the meaning behind: MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE?

by Terry 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Pay attention to what you are told, and how it is presented.

    What is the actual message being communicated? What is the intention behind it?

    This 128-page book Millions Now Living Will Never Die, was placed with the people on a contribution of 25c a copy.

    Are you aware that the information in this book is a rehash and rewording of a failed message already disproved by world events??

    A public-speaking program began on September 25, 1920, centering around a lecture (originally entitled “The World Has Ended—Millions NowLiving May Never Die”) given by J. F. Rutherford in Los Angeles onFebruary 24, 1918.

    What was the core statement all about? Who was being addressed and what exact time span was referenced by the creator this message?

    What exactly do these words mean?

    "......that the new order is coming in, and that 1925 shall mark the resurrection of the faithful worthies of old and the beginning of reconstruction, it is reasonable to conclude that millions now living will never die."

    "......we must reach the positive and indisputable conclusion that millions now living will never die."

    The official statement from the Watchtower leaders today is this: Though mistaken, they eagerly shared it with others.

    - Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, WTB&TS

    This enthusiastic "mistake" resulted in an increase in membership!

    In 1925, at conventions during April and May, the same halls were used and again were rapidly packed, and, in many cases, crowds had to be turned away. By the end of that year 1925, there were 355 congregations in Britain and 167 full-time colporteurs besides 96 part-time workers, then known as “auxiliaries.”

    Rutherford, in his lectures, created a belief which caused people to invest their time, energy and personal fortunes in the TRUTH of it. Like Bernie Madoff in our own time. People trusted him.

    The focal point beyond the promise was the dramatic prediction:

    Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews chapter eleven, to the condition of human perfection.

    - Millions Now Living Will Never Die, published in 1920, WTB&TS

    Naturally, the men who had died in the Middle East would resurrected in California! Where would they live?

    If Rutherford knew anything about history he knew that Adventists BY NATURE cannot be shaken out of their lust for failed-predictions anymore

    than losing everything can keep an inveterate gambler away from the tables!

    The high, the juice, the thrill comes from having that electric tingle stimulated by pushing ALL-IN on a date...any date and then watching

    the wheel spin.

    The self-lie is that "Someday I'll win! This might be the big jackpot!!"

  • Terry


    "Although the Society has occasionally employed the catchy slogan “Millions now living will never die,” and called attention to the fact that Witness membership has reached the multimillion range, they gloss over an obvious misrepresentation. The claim that “Millions now living will never die” was not made to people living in the 1990s or the 2000s. It was made to people in the first half of the 1920s. Only a fraction of the approximately 5.9 million members of Jehovah’s Witnesses were living then. Only if there were today more than two million Witnesses around 75 years of age or older could there be any pretense that the prediction was in any way substantiated. This is clearly not the case.

    1925, on which the prediction and slogan were based, proved empty of all the things foretold. The teaching was without substance, mere fluff, prophetic fantasy. Yet all of this material, appearing in the Watch Tower magazine and other publications, was supposedly “food in due season” being provided through God’s channel of communication, a channel claiming the special approval and direction of Christ Jesus as the now reigning King. As they themselves say, they spoke as God’s “genuine prophet.”

    The passing of 1925 and the failure of these latest predictions, however, proved that the predictors had not acted as a “faithful and discreet slave.” They had not held faithfully and humbly to the inspired Word of God, which alone merits such terms as “indisputable,” “absolutely and unqualifiedly correct,” “incontestably established.” Nor had they been discreet during all the years they published such dogmatic claims earthwide, that indiscretion being, in effect, acknowledged by Judge Rutherford’s recognition that he had made an “ass” of himself.

    The intimidating language used in the proclaimed “channel” of God, the Watch Tower, the insinuations of ambition, pride, and disloyalty to Christ it directed at any who did not want to take the same presumptuous course, doubtless influenced the majority to ‘follow the leader’ as he made admittedly asinine claims. Many, however, found they could not continue to support such an irresponsible course and the organization experienced a major loss in adherents after 1925. (footnote) Among these was Alvin Franz, my father’s brother and the youngest of the four Franz brothers."

  • Terry

    WT. 2009 8/15 pp15-17

    "17) The foretold “time of the end” began in 1914. Did true knowledge about the hope of mankind become plentiful? (Dan. 12:4) By 1913, Russell’s sermons were printed in 2,000 newspapers with a combined readership of 15,000,000. By the end of 1914, over 9,000,000 people on three continents had seen the “Photo-Drama of Creation”—a program including motion pictures and slides that explained Christ’s Millennial Reign. From 1918 until 1925, the talk “Millions Now Living Will Never Die,” which explained the hope of everlasting life on earth, was presented by Jehovah’s servants in over 30 languages worldwide. By 1934, Jehovah’s Witnesses realized that those hoping to live forever on earth should be baptized. This understanding filled them with renewed zeal for preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Today, the prospect of living forever on earth fills the hearts of millions with gratitude toward Jehovah."

  • Terry

    THIS FAILED TEACHING was dusted off and re-used and it FAILED AGAIN!

    " Israel enters into Canaan in 1575 B.C. -Sabbath and Jubilee cycles begin (Lev 25:10) Seventy Jubilees = 3500 years. (Seventy = Years in Babylonian captivity) 3500 - 1575 = 1925 (Note lack of zero year in this calculation too!)

    NOW, just for the sake of argument, let's say that *maybe* somehow our calculations are one JUBILEEE cycle off.

    Look what we get: 1975.


    "How would you feel if proof is given that what you believe is wrong? For example, say that you were in a car, traveling for the first time to a certain place. You have a road map, but you have not taken the time to check it carefully. Someone has told you the road to take. You trust him, sincerely believing that the way he has directed you is correct. But suppose it is not? What if someone points out the error? What if he, by referring to your own map, shows that you are on the wrong road? Would pride or stubbornness prevent you from admitting that you are on the wrong road? Well, then, if you learn from an examination of your Bible that you are traveling a wrong religious road, be willing to change. Avoid the broad road to destruction; get on the narrow road to life."

    You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth, pgs. 32-33

  • Terry

    In the book "Revelation its Grand climax At Hand! Published 1988 by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society." Page 138.

    "This convention assembled in Columbus Ohio, July 20-27, 1924. No d oubt at the direction of the angel that sounded the third trumpet, a forceful resolution was there adopted and later 50 million copies were distributed as a tract . It was published under the title Ecclesiastics Indicted."

    In the book, "Light, Book One, by Judge J.F. Rutherford. Published in 1930 by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society." Page 135.

    "Without previous knowledge or design on the part of any one connected with The Watchtower, the time for the Columbus (Ohio) convention was fixed for July, 1924. Exactly ten years , to the day, from the beginning of the World War the message “Civilization Doomed” was delivered in support of the “Indictment”, which time marked the last typical jubilee; and , showing that the antypical jubilee must begin in 1925, the message announced the doom of Satan’s organization and that the time had come when the people should go free. The year 1925 marked the due time for the great jubilee, and the announcement was made in due course. But the world rulers failed to heed God’s message and to “proclaim liberty throughout all the land”."

    It seems they attribute this 1925 to an angel.

  • BluesBrother

    It is a marketing strategy that this abject failure of a prediction, having been trumpeted worldwide is not an embarassment (as it should be) but is still referred to today as a wonderful campaign.

    Awake 1990 4/22 p6/7

    “MANY PEOPLE alive today will have the opportunity for a greatly prolonged life span. Even immortality now seems possible.”
    “Millions Now Living May Never Die.”
    What is the difference between these two statements? The first is a statement by Dr. Lawrence E. Lamb, medical columnist and professor, in his book Get Ready for Immortality, published in 1975. The second is the title of a public address and subsequent book by J. F. Rutherford, the second president of the Watch Tower Society. The public address was first delivered in Los Angeles, California, in 1918.
    The two apparently similar statements, however, differed widely in the reasoning and research that led up to them. Dr. Lamb’s words are typical of the many so-called immortalists. These persons feel that advances in medical science, including research on aging, will soon solve the mystery of why we grow old and will eventually conquer death itself. Yet, despite the achievements of modern science in lengthening the average life expectancy and in helping many to enjoy better lives, predictions of immortality remain just that—optimistic prognostications.
    J. F. Rutherford, on the other hand, was not making forecasts based on science or medicine. His discussion was based on the Bible. He demonstrated by means of fulfilled Bible prophecies that the world of mankind had entered into its “time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) He then pointed to the Bible-based hope that just as Noah and his family survived the end of the world in their day, millions will survive the destruction of this world and live on into a righteous new world to enjoy everlasting life in a paradise earth.—Matthew 24:37-39; Revelation 21:3, 4.

    This ridiculous piece of writing completely ignores the main point - It did not come true ! The times were wrong. The millions then living all died . The Bible never said it - it was JFR and his cronies who goofed and by his own admission "Made an ass of myself"..and yet they still talk about it with fondness?????

    Proclaimers says (as you quoted ) "Though mistaken, they eagerly shared it with others." So it does not matter that they were mistaken, as long as they were eager . The same can be said today .

  • Splash

    In 1920 there were approximately 25,000 attending the memorial and partaking.

    Who exactly were these 'millions' that the book speaks about?


  • pixel

    Thanks for posting. Good information as always.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Create religious fervor, similar to the whole 1975 debacle. By the way, love the photos from the era...they say more than ANY article could. It;s a fact!!! OK?

  • sparky1

    Actually Rutherford should have admitted that he made a "donkey" of himself according to "new light".


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