according to scripture God would not let his name be used without a form of respect. Disrespecting it would result in death itself! some days ago i thought: you know what? I will challenge Yahwey, jahweh and tell his ass straight away that if he is for real he should burn my ass down right on the spot. The fact I am writing this is quite a proof he failed at the spot. if JWs are right there is no heavier punishment anyways. you see? why be affraid of the big bad yahweh! Curse you old fuckhead!!!
There is no YahWeh (Jehova(h))!
by DeWandelaar 25 Replies latest jw experiences
As I see it, Yahweh, the god of the bible, is in fact none other than the Great Deceiver himself, Satan. A far cry from the loving and compassionate god that his deceived followers claim he is, the bible pretty much says he is an ego-maniacal god of war and tyranny who if not obeyed, claims he will send you into eternal torture. He rules via fear and intimidation as tyrants do. He requires death for the smallest of infractions, and even demands the murder of entire cities/nations for arbitrary reasons. Shana
The Hebrews were infact canaanites and they originally worship a god named El as well as other gods of the canaanite pantheon. Eventually they became more independent of the other canaanites and also started to worship a god named Yahweh at least this is what scholars think the yhwh means. Anyway as time went by this god attributes were the same as El's and then more attributes were added from other gods of the pantheon that of Baal, anat, Asherah. The Israelites god is as real as Marduk, Thor, or any other old gods you can think of.
It's all a bunch of crap. The being called "Satan" is actually the creator of humans. He is NOT a spirit being in a spirit world. He is an actual physical being of great intelligence. He is a "GOD", our God. He wanted humans to achieve the same status through science and "spiritual" pursuits. There is nothing hokey about it, it's how we are designed. There is a scientific reason for every "paranormal" experience. We really can do amazing things, but there is a problem.
The being referred to as YHWH is bent on enslaving humanity. This being is also extremely powerful and is currently warring against "Satan". YHWH feeds off humanity. He has human followers who aid in the process of keeping humanity from reaching a god-like state. ALL religion except the original one, paganism/science/meditation/sexuality,astronomy, is corrupt. Being human and living life to the full is evil according to XIANITY.
XIANITY IS THE MAIN WEAPON OF YHWH. Everywhere it goes, death follows. Stagnation and lack of development follow. Prejudice and hated grow because of XIANITY. Just look at the fruitage of Xianity. It's so obviously wrong. It enslaves humans and sucks their lives away. What has Xianity ever really done for anyone?? Nothing happens because of Xianity that cannot happen without it, and we lose the hatred, bigotry, prejudice against race, sex and sexual orientation. Xianty has done nothing but grind mankinds progress to a snails pace. Every meaningful scientific breakthrough has been opposed by XIANITY.
Satan wants nothing from humans except to propell them towards Godhood. This has always been the case. The "Eden" fable is merely a skewed re-telling of our actual history. YHWH attacked Satan and enslaved mankind. Satan and his followers have been fighting back ever since. It's a war on a cosmic scale. We are the reason for the war. Beings with the ability to achieve anything we want, because that is how Father Satan designed us. Not in some magical way like in the book of Genesis, but in a lab, with scientific methods far above anything we have achieved...yet.
Remember the tower of Bable? It's a twisted story, but hits closer to the truth thatn most realize. YHWH did come down to Earth. He was afraid of what humans can do. He is jealous, murderous, genocidal and demands obedience. His last ditch effort to control mankind was perverting the story of a man who dared to challenge the Pharisees of YHWH. A MAN WE CALL JESUS. He was real, he was achieving Godhood, he was freeing mankind. So they killed him. Since they could not erase his memory, they perverted his story to invent the greatest weapon of destruction, hatred and discord that the world has ever know. XIANITY.
Those not destroyed outright, are enslaved until " natural causes" overtake them. Even the good XIANS never reach their potential because they don't need to. Jesus will fix it for them. So diabolical is the Xian weapon, that most never realize the agent of their destruction. Those aware enough to sense that something is wrong may spend their entire lives trying to de-code the bible and fix the mistakes!! LOL!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! That is the trap within the trap!!! It cannot be fixed!!! There is nothing wrong with the design!! It's the closest thing to a perfect trap ever invented!! Countless lives have been taken, sacrificed, " martyred", WASTED in the pursuit of XIANITY! Untold millions die while trying to figure out the bible! Happy families are destroyed, WHY?!?! Because of the bible and " bible-based" teachings!! And for what?!?! The endless cycle of death and chaos continue!! It's all good, JESUS loves you, but brings a sword into your home!! YHWH knows EXACTLY how the human mind operates. He knows how to attack the collective consciousness of mankind.
XIANITY is the ultimate weapon!! Subtle, devisive, a parasite that lulls it's host into a euphoric state until death!
The Galactic tyrant YHWH laughs, just as his minions, the XIAN and JUDEO-Xian NEO-Zionist communists laugh!!! The dying souls of humanity are a sweet nocturne for YHWH. Its just as the Bible says, " To me the souls belong!!" Beneath his throne, bathed in blood, are the slaughtered souls of mankind. Just sit back and wait on YHWH, says YHWH and his duped worshippers. Those who know the Tyrannical Despot and willingly serve him are also deceived. They too seek a god-like state. Their desire is to rule over their fellow man in The Golden Age! Their reward will be eternal servitude as slaves!
Pray that Father Satan and his fellow "GODS" defeat the evil being known as YHWH!! PRAY FOR ENLIGHTENMENT!! PRAY FOR SCIENCE!! PRAY FOR JUSTICE!! PRAY FOR FREEDOM!! PRAY FOR VICTORY!!!!
Data that's Gnosticism. Read any Marcion recently?
Nope. Never read any of that stuff, just doing some creative writing. I must be under "Satans" control!! I better go in field-serve-us!!
Marcion was a christian who noticed the difference between the God, as told by Jesus, and the God of the Old Testament. Marcion noted that Yahweh was an evil God who created the fleshy status. One of the verses used by Marcion to prove his theology was the following:
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil (Isaiah 45:7)
Crazyguy - The Hebrews were originally Canaanites but a segment broke off becoming followers Yahweh and became Hebrews? Interesting. I assumed they were Hebrews all along living among the Canaanites.
All "gods" are creations of man: either as a "filler" of gaps or for gaining power over other people. The bible god is not much different of those from german, greek or roman myths.
Archaeological evidence in the past few years, has proven pretty much beyond doubt that the Hebrews were in fact Canaanites and then became an independent group sometime before 1200 bce. Sometime after that a group of Hebrews in the judean area started worshiping YHWH. It been suspected that during or after the babylonian captivity is when they the Jews started pushing YHWH more and pushing monotheism. Its still unclear if Yhwh was a term or name of one god or a group of gods, but as they the jews moved to monotheism redactions were made to biblical writings making as though yhwh was in fact only one god.
Personally I believe that the Hebrews used the term Yhwh to denote the major gods of the Canaanite pantheon, this is why in my belief the word Elohim is used more than any other term by far, for their gods. Elohim means gods not god.
Data opinions are based or similar i should say to the beliefs of the gnostics that believe a god name Yoldobreth was Satan and created mankind etc. But actually most of the early writings of the bible were copied from sumerian and babylonian writing and in those writings there were two half brother gods Enlil and Enki that were at odds with each other. One wanted to kill humans Enlil and the other wanted to help humans Enki. I believe that the hebrews combined the two gods into one in their version of the stories and there is a overwhelming amount of evidence that states my belief to be true.