When I read Hirohito's biography, he was surrounded by wars lords with more actual power. The military leaders did not see him as a god. His brother was in touch with the Allied forces and offered to rule Japan if the US executed Hirohito. I read the book long ago so I don't recall the military names. They were not going to surrender. They did not care what Japanese civilians would undergo. I was surprised by how fluid the situation was. It could have ended other ways. The US wanted a figure with legitimacy. Hirohito did very bad things but the US wanted a leader with legitimacy. If I recall correctly, the US insisted on an unconditional surrender.
I believe my views were shaped by the US propaganda taught in schools. We were always taught and viewed films with how wonderful the bombs were. I tended to be more skeptical b/c of my Witness background. I knew not to mention the morality of the bombs to any veteran.