The only difference in these two raids,- one with the uranium bomb, and the Nagasaki Plutonium device was the efficiency of the killing by one single plane.
Nearly as many people died in one night in the Tokio fire storms. I one afternoon more people died in Hamburg, later Dresden,- than in the whole Blitz in London earlier.
War is atrocious, once you start it, expect maximum response.
Allowing Japan to surrender, spared it the fate of Eastern Europe with it's savage rampage experience from the east.
We mourn all victims of war, that is why The WT message was so appealing, the deception so appalling.
The Soviet Union was the only real threat to Japan's existence and its territory, (and lost some irretrivialy to Russia), so, these 2 events though SUDDEN were -in retrospect- no more damaging then carpet bombing- but kept overall damage to Japan and the US to a minimum.
will Vladimir get the message?