jw.org madness

by Gorbatchov 27 Replies latest jw friends


    All JWs have been lied to on some level. Sure, none of us know the truth about "GOD", but DUBS have been duped into believing that they do. This sets some very special gears in motion.

    Because of the materialist/legalistic/corporate nature of the WTBTS ( from its very start it was an alternative religion in opposition to traditional Xianity that left CTR without answers), Dubbies are Xian materialists. They are conditioned to think like corporate employees. The founder of their faith was a disillusioned Xian business owner. That is key.

    They are no different than a devoted Wal-Mart stockholder. In fact, they are so materialistic that the idea of having a personal relationship with Christ is terrifying. THINK ABOUT IT, out of untold billions of humans, who are sons of GOD? 144,000. How many are left?? Only 7 that JWs will actually listen to!! Who are the members considered to be nuts in the JW version of Xianity? Who are eyed with suspicion? Who are the weird ones??

    1) Emotional JWs from a Evangelic background who LOVE Jesus.

    2) Any JW who claims to be anointed.

    From my own experience with family, I have learned that NOTHING makes them more uncomfortable that hearing "Jesus saves" or " The Lord this and that." They actually become physically and emotionally disturbed. They immediately retreat into the safe corporate "logical" world of the WTBTS. They are an alternative Xian lifestyle. Xianity for those who don't really believe that you can have a relationship with GOD/JESUS. Its really bizarre and insane when you think about it. Especially when they believe the Bible is inerrant.

    That brings us back to JW.ORG. Since NOTHING has happened in 100 years and JWs are materialists ( there is no magic feelings for them), SOMETHING had to change lest they stop investing ( donations, service, meetings,obeying) in the corporation. Hence the re-branding of the WTBTS. ITS WORKING!! For now. ...

    How do you spruce up a drab little building with no windows in a gravel parking lot?!? How do you light a fire under 8 million people who don't really believe what the bible says?!? How do exite MATERIALISTIC XIANS, who are uncomfortable with the unknown, wtith the "spiritual"??? How do create the sensation of a midnight revival in broad daylight, for Xians who are afrInd to say," Christ is my Lord and Savior!!"? How do you keep the investors happy while the company goes bottoms up??

    Simple. Just carry on with business as usual. Cut some corners and expenses. ( Older Bethelites kicked out, no more D.O to pay for, print the cheapest recycled crap that you can.). Then you put a new sign on the building!! Everything is fine!! We are expanding! We are not going out of business, don't worry!! Trust us!

    Jws look to the JW.ORG sign with the same feeling as a homeless man who is looking at a neon cross. They find some security from the harsh rigors of life, they get a pre-packed meal. It's not great, but it's better than the alternative. It's better than the Jesus Voodoo that's going on at the Pentecostal Church. It's better than the "claims" of the towns biggest car salesman, that "THE LORD" has blessed his business. It's better than being a hopeless worldly without real love and "The Truth".

    A big, blue, illuminated sign is the new cross. It's safe, it's comfortable. It's sterile, corporate, material. There is no faith involved what so ever. It's perfect for a corporation disguised as a Xian religion. It's perfect for Xian materialists, it's perfect for JWs.


  • Magnum

    It is shocking. I still can't believe it. Just a few years ago, JWs who had internet service were almost viewed suspiciously. Now they're gathered around it the way families gathered around the radio in the pre-TV days.

    I now know that JWs have been wrong all along, but at least in the past JWdom seemed more dignified and serious. Now it just seems like a silly, corny, shallow, goody-goody, has-been religion that's trying to be hip and cool and rebrand itself.

  • respectful_observer

    More and more jw.org special campain pictures made by the R&F flush over the internet.

    It's crazy how this jw.org madness becomes a phallus inside the witness world.

    There were no fewer than 5 people at last Sunday's meeting sporting JW.ORG buttons on their clothing, including the chairman. Not sure if this will continue after this month's campaign ends, or become more common as more people jump on the "flair" bandwagon. Who knows, maybe the "direction that may not seem practical from a human standpoint" will be that we all should be wearing these buttons 24/7.

    "Let me ask you a question Sr. Independent Thinker, what do you think of a person who only does the bare minimum? We're concerned that you haven't been following the recommendation of the Faithful Slave to wear your JW.ORG button at all times."

  • Heartofaboy

    I understand your point prologos, but don't dis us 1975ers......because 'one line mention' it wasn't.

    We were misled & manipulated right up to & beyond the non event.

  • Magnum

    Heartofaboy - I agree. There was a lot more to it than one line. I was there and remember it well.

  • JustVisting


    you really hit the nail on the head with that comment, ah, post. That one was deep man, thanks.

  • Heartofaboy

    Thanks Magnum good to know you remember it too.

    The GB like to hide behind the misinformation out there that it was all our fault & nothing to do with them.

    Can't believe the dubbies are wearing JW.org pins...............the oldtimer JW's will be turning in their graves at the idolatry.

  • Theredeemer

    I remember some witnesses being counseled on wearing a watchtower tie pin. Whats the difference? Oh yeah. The GB endorses it now. Its sad to see people so worked up over a website. Talk about being hungry for excitement. If they took a step back for once they would see how boring their lives must to be to be so worked up over this.

    This religion is so boring that they called for a special campaign to promote a website? Couldnt they have just thrown in at the end of any placement offer "Oh yeah. Please visit our website www.JW.org" at the end and just place the logo in the back of all literature?

    Special Campaigns is all they have left to excite the drones. That and new light every now and again.

  • Heartofaboy

    The JW's are spiritually starving aren't they Theredeemer?

    Where's the spiritually profound insight that Jah supposedly gives the FDS to distribute?

  • Oubliette

    It's weird they're all gaga over a website. I mean, big wup, everyone has a website.

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