Is The Governing Body Afraid To Slam Muslims???

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    They boldly spoke against the Catholics.

    I'd love to see them rail against the Muslims.

  • lurkernomore

    I keep thinking about this. It's always Christendom this, Catholicism that, but never do we hear anything specific about any other religions except for in a general false religion context.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Of course not Minimus, the gpverning body speak out in fearlessnesss .

    I would also like to add i the above was written revisiting my J.W thinking days.

  • prologos

    May be they dont think it is a false religion.

    getting into the crosshair of determined fanatics you challenged,-- is no fun.

    The well aimed commandeered cruise missiles that truck the World Trade centers, hit only 2 km from Brooklyn headquarters.

    Really, the targets of an islamic attack following ANY mention or depiction of Moslem inclusion in BTG,-- would not be Brooklyn, but the individual JW at the doors, near the carts.

    The GB hopefully has learned a lesson from Malawi.

    I had my "throat to be cut" threatened by a muslem in the D2D work. just the idea that you advocate a different religion is an insult to islam, them personally, never mind putting it in print or on an identifiable web site.

  • minimus

    They are easily offended.

  • Vidiot

    They handled Islam with kid gloves in its brief section in the book Mankind's Search for God.

    I've no reason to think they're less inclined to do the same nowadays.

    On some level - particularly regarding dealing with "apostates" - they probably think hard-core Muslim extremists have the right idea.

  • OneEyedJoe

    What would they possibly gain from criticizing muslims? The whole point of their emphasis on the evils of christendom is to prevent JWs from having an answer to the question "[Where] else would we go away to?" It's conceivable that a JW might leave to go to a different christian church (and based on what I've read here, that doesn't seem too uncommon) but I can't imagine that a JW, fed up with the WTS, would suddenly decide to convert to Islam.

    They do have something to lose. If they encourage people to look at other non-christian religions they could find that they're really just looking at a mirror of christianity, which then leads to the realization that it's all BS. When comparing christian denominations, the similarities are easily excusable, since they're all using the same source material. However, finding certain similarities in a non-christian religion could lead someone to the realization that indeed all religion is from the same source (the human mind).

    Obviously, potential retribution is another big down-side. While they'd love to play the persecution card, the WT theology has pretty much exclusively predicted persecution at the hands of governments (who may or may not be in bed with religions) but not at the hands of individual folks from another religious background.

    Once you think of it as an american cult that's aimed more at retention and monitization than conversion, it makes total sense that they never give a second thought to Islam, Buddism, Hinduism, Shintoism, etc except to list some vauge criticism that (if examined further) doesn't actually invalidate the religion in any way: 'Did you know that Hindus believe in over a hundred thousand gods? How could you possibly keep all that straight!'

  • minimus

    Muslims are false prophets.

  • Terry

    Would you . . . COULD you say the Muslims are more easily offended than say . . . THE GOVERNING BODY?

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    It's not so much that they're afraid. They focus on Christendom because it's the most reprehensible part of Babylon the Great, because it falsely claims to represent Christ. Islam does not, therefore it's a lesser evil.

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