Is The Governing Body Afraid To Slam Muslims???

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    I have to say that for quite a few years I have believed they are afraid, very afraid.

    Just think about it, the whole religion of Islam is a bigger target then the Catholic Church, and if the WT could convince Muslims of the error of their ways, what a wonderful "field of activity".

    The WT have had a pop at most other targets, yea, they are afraid, in fact, they are s**t scared.

  • minimus

    False religion is false religion. More Muslims that Chhristians, right?

  • prologos

    The GB FADS are not personally afraid. They will defend their position to the death of all and the last JW standing. but

    a membership decimated by Isis- type attack will stop contributing.

  • SAHS

    Whenever the WTS discusses religion, they usually just lump them all together, giving them pretty much equal mention. They seem, as least currently, to be careful not to single out any particular religion, especially ones dissimilar to Christianity, so as not to seem religio-politically polarized. In terms of being “afraid” to slam Muslims, I think that they are more concerned with their public image than the actual safety of individual members. (Remember Malawi?) As for the WTS itself, I have a feeling that the new Warwick compound will have plenty of security measures – just in case.

    The GB is definitely offended at least as much as Muslims, but at least they don’t advocate physical violence like Muslims or aggressively sue people like Scientologists. Although, the GB sure doesn’t mind inflicting its mental torture and coercion, not to mention blackmail. The GB is hypervigilant in categorizing and judging people’s beliefs, opinions, and practices, but they don’t really need to let things get to them, at least internally, because they know that they have their ways of dealing with “offenders.”

  • Balaamsass2

    I believe YES. One of the most surprizing things to me with GB 1.0 was that so many had FEAR. Not all of course but a number did. I mean IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOU HAVE DEVINE PROTECTION and are going to heaven instantly upon death...WHY WORRY?

    Moving the GB table away from the street. The tunnels. Generators. Drivers. Room #s. "Travel Companions".

  • naazira

    Their main attack is against christiandom.

  • minimus

    The WORLD EMPIRE of false religion is supposedto be destroyed. JWs are told to get people out of Babylon the Great, not just Christendom.

  • Balaamsass2
  • Paris

    The GB are COWARDS and serve only themselves and their own interests and their own power structure.

    Their old fashioned ancient rants against Christendom are absurd, since Christendom is running most of the charities and relief agencies and soup lines and thrift shops and building hospitals and school and whole villages for orphans in Africa, in other words Christendom is able to get along with one another and concentrate on positive actions; while the WT does absolutely nothing, but praise itself, and criticsize others , UNLESS those "others" have bombs and might cut off your head.

    If the Pope showed up at Bethel with a heavily armed, bomb throwing, missle firing army, and cut off a few heads, they would soon shut up about the Catholics as well.

  • Hairtrigger

    OEJ over 55 million gods-Hindu religion!!

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