First post

by BenRichards 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • galaxie

    Welcome Ben..very sound reasoning on your part thanks for sharing.

    I hope your extended family can see that also. Unfortunately it's not always the case, be prepared for some rough waves but hopefully not.

    Best wishes for the future.

  • Stormcrow

    Nowhere near you geographically, but right beside you.


  • outforever

    Always say this now you have "Freedom" wonderful feeling, isn't it?

    Great you and wife out! so stay outforever!

    Take all the advice from above: about leading questions to your mom: that might drop a "seed".

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Welcome glad you and the wife are on the same page with this fade...stick together x

  • cultBgone

    Thanks for posting, Ben, and very happy to hear that your wife faded along with you.

    Lots of good advice already posted on how to gently plant seeds of doubt with them but be careful with your mom and sister as they are still brainwashed. They really can't help it at this point and will respond negatively should you try to teach them what they believe is "apostate" doctrine. Feed them on little crumbs until they're ready for a full meal like CoC.

    But hey...congrats on figuring out that life is to be lived! Hugs to you and Mrs Ben!

  • BenRichards

    Thanks for all the kind replies.

    To address a couple of points that came up...yes, Ben Richards is an alias. :)

    After thinking about it, I agree with what several of you have said about how I approach my mom. Instead of "coming clean" all at once, it probably makes sense to ask questions to her over time, questions that could introduce doubt. Let her try to answer the difficult questions herself. I'm in no particular hurry to make any changes. As I've said, we've been fading over a period of several years and are already pretty well distanced from the local congregation so it's not like I need to make any moves anytime soon. But of course I'd like for my extended family to wake up to TTATT.

    There are a lot of great resources recommended in the responses, I'll start checking them. Thanks again.

  • clarity

    Huge welcome to you Ben & Mrs Richards!

    All the best to you from Canada!


  • Ding


    Is there a chance your mother might react very negatively and shun you if you share TTATT with her?

  • sunny23

    Welcome Ben! The advice given so far is excellent! Good luck with your ongoing personal spiritual discovery and interactions with your family!

  • naazira

    Looking forward to see more if you. Welcome :-)

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