BenRichards - "You're the first to get it."
I'm not called "Vidiot" for nothing.
by BenRichards 38 Replies latest jw friends
BenRichards - "You're the first to get it."
I'm not called "Vidiot" for nothing.
Welcome Ben! I was recently DFd when I couldn't keep up meetings and service and pretending for my fade. I miss my family who are JW and shun me know. I know you want to help them, but they won't listen to you despite the logic used until they are personally ready to research issues on their own. I would keep quiet and enjoy not being shunned. Welcome and I wish the best for you.
Howdy from Texas and welcome to the forum. Glad you and your wife are out together.
Thanks for sharing your story. It's good you and your wife are on the same page. I know you don't care what the congregation elders think--nor should you--but tread carefully with your mom.
If you can awaken her to TTATT you must do so carefully so as not to cause her thought-stopping defenses to go up!
Keep us posted.
I can choose anyone i want.... And i choose ben richards. Hes one bad *********
and welcome ;)
BEN- WElcome to the board ! Nice to have you here, and your wife if she's checking it out as well. I agree with lots of the advice already given here that you should proceed cautiously with your mom as she is still under the spell of WT mind control and her mind has been conditioned to quickly observe or jump to conclusions when hearing anything negative about the WT Society. In other word jumping to conclusions any negative information is allegedly " apostate ". So yeah, proceed with caution. Just keep in touch with your mom and let her know you and your wife love her and care and that you'll always be there for her personally.
As regards making and keeping new non-JW friends that is AWESOME that you and your wife are doing that ! Good for you. In my 11 years out of the Witnesses I have found that non-JW friends are much more understanding, caring, and non-judgmental than any " friends " I ever had as a JW. And I too was a born-in JW who exited at age 44 over 11 years ago. So go figure. I know it's hard sometimes thinking we wasted so many years- but look at it this way you have the rest of your life and freedom of mind and movement now to pursue hobbies, interests, careers, or other positive things that you were never able to or had the time to pursue as a JW ! At age 52 about 3 years ago I took up playing guitar and singing and songwriting and I just started doing it for pay at senior care centers. If you had asked me 10 or 11 years ago if I'd be doing that I probably would have said - no. We can do almost anything we put our minds to and we don't need to let the WT Society rip our self esteem from us anymore ! Good luck to you and your wife, we are here for you as a support, O.K. ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Welcome Ben - I remember the feelings I had after reading CoC and seeing the truth about the WTS for the first time. Even after the doubts that make you decide to read the book in the first place it's still shocking but it's worthwhile doing the research so that you can be confident that you're doing the right thing.
I'm going to skip forward - you can leave as a family and have a happy and successful life after the JW experience and at some point it seems like a vague (bad) memory.
Hope you have a good journey.
Hello and welcome!
Best wishes to you and your wife! I would say take your time with your mother, it sounds like no need to hurry!
:) Mrs. Thor
Welcome Ben & mrs Richards from down under , apart from advice you may get from this post , you may glean additional information if you use the search option at the top of this page typing in appropiate questions.
Glad to have you both on board , and good luck for the future.