Craig Winn is one of the most authoritative individuals of Islam there is, he's done more research and written extensive on why Islam is so dangerous. His books were written after 9-11-01, now when you listen to his interview get the gist of why Islam is not "The Religion of Peace", it's quite the opposite and even if anyone claims it is, the most respected leaders of Islam are blunt with their desire to purge the world of all non-Islamic religions. That never works out well for them because they get rid of all their workers, intellectuals and professionals who flee to some place they can worship or not worship in peace. The Middle East has been a Blood Bath since 600sAD, reading the oldest quotes is seeing ISIS in action. Why get mad at the Watchtower, they don't want a Suicide Bomber walking in to Bethel or some other Branch killing them, they have learned from their past mistakes and now are trying to be peaceful, not with Ex-Witnesses though!
There's lots of members frustrated the Watchtower won't speak out against Islam while the Pope of Rome has called for a Holy War to destroy ISIS and ISIL. I don't like going down that path because it's scarry, Witnesses in these Countries will get their heads cut off even if the Watchtower uses kind words to kiss the asses of Islamic Mullahs and Power Brokers.
In Revelation Chapter 2-3, Jesus warned of the Great Persecution that would hit the Church, one of those Churches he promised to protect. From 100 to 300 AD, it's estimated 7,000,000 followers of the Christian Religion were executed because they refused to bow to Rome. Foxes Book of Martyers has gruesome details how these men, women and children were executed like wild animals.
Highly Encourage you to listen to the first few videos, it's how it all started and the true agenda!