Here's Why the Watchtower Won't Speak Out Against Islam "Craig Winn" Interview 1

by BucketShopBill 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • BucketShopBill

    Craig Winn is one of the most authoritative individuals of Islam there is, he's done more research and written extensive on why Islam is so dangerous. His books were written after 9-11-01, now when you listen to his interview get the gist of why Islam is not "The Religion of Peace", it's quite the opposite and even if anyone claims it is, the most respected leaders of Islam are blunt with their desire to purge the world of all non-Islamic religions. That never works out well for them because they get rid of all their workers, intellectuals and professionals who flee to some place they can worship or not worship in peace. The Middle East has been a Blood Bath since 600sAD, reading the oldest quotes is seeing ISIS in action. Why get mad at the Watchtower, they don't want a Suicide Bomber walking in to Bethel or some other Branch killing them, they have learned from their past mistakes and now are trying to be peaceful, not with Ex-Witnesses though!

    There's lots of members frustrated the Watchtower won't speak out against Islam while the Pope of Rome has called for a Holy War to destroy ISIS and ISIL. I don't like going down that path because it's scarry, Witnesses in these Countries will get their heads cut off even if the Watchtower uses kind words to kiss the asses of Islamic Mullahs and Power Brokers.

    In Revelation Chapter 2-3, Jesus warned of the Great Persecution that would hit the Church, one of those Churches he promised to protect. From 100 to 300 AD, it's estimated 7,000,000 followers of the Christian Religion were executed because they refused to bow to Rome. Foxes Book of Martyers has gruesome details how these men, women and children were executed like wild animals.

    Highly Encourage you to listen to the first few videos, it's how it all started and the true agenda!

    Craig Winn- Exposing Islam 1/9

  • smiddy

    Reading the above , why would any intelligent person still beleive their is an almighty loving GOD ?


  • steve2

    Oh puh-lease do not make it seem like Christianity is the true alternative to Islam. Where have you been hiding?

    Christianity has absolutely nothing to feel proud of. A few short centuries ago, the religious crusades throughout Christendom forced conversion on entire populations in the name of "The Lord" with the threat of mass slaughter if refusal ensued. The horrors following the spread of "the Gospel" are the everlasting shame of a religion that brandishes Christ like some giant good-luck logo.

    Aspects that make elements of Islam so deadly are the marriage of religious extremism to global internet and advanced technological weaponry.

    Islam is where Christianity was a few centuries ago. Religion is dangerous not because all believers act like lunatics but because religion attracts the mentality that thrives on radical solutions.

    To be fair, Winn does not subscribe to the inerrancy of the Bible. It is great to see he eviscerated the madly narcissistic letters of the apostle Paul. Nice one!

  • BucketShopBill

    Steve2, think that one through! How can you say what you just said and keep a straight face. Do you know the history of Christians from 40 AD to 325 AD when Constantine came to power? That's 300 years.

    1. Let's walk through your premise, during the first 300 years how many infidels did the Muslims kill?

    2. The first three hundred years, 7,000,000 Christians were killed because they refused worship Rome's Emperor. How many Christians killed Pagans during their birth over 300 years?

    Who were the biggest slave traders in the Middle East selling Africans to the Dutch and other Countries? I am all over the place because I can't believe you actually said what you said. The Great Islamic Revisionist are changing what the Crusades are all about, what were those Countries suppose to do, allow Mohammed's legacy free access to the entire World? Sure, the Crusaders on the Christians sides were not obeying Christ, but can you say the same about Suladan's forces? Christians were not obeying Christ during the Crusades while Muslims were obeying Mohammed by slaughtering the Infidels, that's the difference!

    Steve, I am so shocked you would say that, unless your sounding like the Islamic guys who came to the University to tell us Christian started the Wars during the Crusades. The Crusades were to stop the expansion (Muslims don't kill, they never would have tried to take over the entire Middle East by the Sword or would they?), the Muslims almost made it to Germany, if they Spanish and French had not kicked their asses back to Arabia, we might be living in Medevil Times.

    In India, they have been fighting against Islam for over a thousand years, the Muslims tried to wipe out the Hindus. Not sure how many Indian friends you have that lived in Muslim regions of India and decided the Government was unable to protect them, so they left India and moved to the United States and Canada.

    When you walk in to the house of the Ghandi, guess whose words are penned on a little sign? The great Bertrand Russell.

    Bertrand Russell: "It is doubtful that the efforts of the Mahatma would have succeeded except that he was appealing to the conscience of a Christianized people". Dr. Zacharias was amused that the home of Gandhi, the pantheist, displayed a banner quoting Russell, the atheist, who said the former's efforts would not have succeeded save for the THEISTS.

    Would Gandhi have success if Muslims were controlling India and he tried to use his peaceful method Steve? What does history show about Islam's love of peace? We both know the truth, Gandhi would have been slaughtered by Islamic Leaders laughing at his peaceful actions!

  • designs

    Bucket- Jesus advocates mass slaughter and eternal punishment (Matt.25) don't peddle christianity around here to heavily....

  • Terry

    The most impressive Muslim scholar and VERY SKILLED debater is this fellow.

    I would definitely say he WON this debate.

  • Mikado

    bucket bill, you need to re think your version of history. for generations islam encourage thinkers, acedemics, learners..

    the very words alchemy, algebra and algorithms indicate their Islamic origins

    the textbook that laid out these principles was in use until the 16th century.

    they gave the world the Arabic numeral

    the developed geometry much more than previously.

    they invented trigonometry.

    they also preserved and saved much Greek and roman learning.

    when my forefathers were primitive they had much more advanced medicine.

    a guy called Al-Rahzi during the 9th and 10th century is credited with being the father of pediatrics, obstetrics and ophthalmology. he is also credited with surgery on a cataract.

    amazingly he used alcohol as a disinfectant

    this is all centuries before the west had anything like this.

    the west behaved abominably during the crusades.

    we would be ignorant in the extreme were we to deny any of this legacy. we are only were we are now because we stand on the shoulders of giants.

    however, it does raise an interesting question as to what has made the fundamentalist apparently totally reject their past history of learning. I wiukd suggest that it may well be a reflection of the apparent and pretty obvious inequalties that face the majority of the world compared to the wealth and privilige of the west.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't believe that Islam is dangerous. Plenty could be said of Christianity's history. A few groups are dangerous. Anyone who cannot discern various forms of Islam is no scholar.

  • tootired2care

    I agree, Islam is no religion of peace, and is not a force for good in any way shape or form. Just look at how this filthy cult of death degrades women into cattle. Why people still tolerate this absolute nonsense in 2014 is beyond me. Islam has got to go, ban it!

    Great values being taught at a young age. It's doubtful that they are actually taught anything useful besides how to be slave. Islam is a great evil of our time.

  • nonjwspouse

    BOTR have you read the passages in the quran calling for the killing of infidels? This is a part of doctrine even though there are many who do not go so far. But why do they not stand up against the etremist?

    Are there forms of Islam that do not follow the book, quran?

    This site is a good source of info to do further research of desired.

    Thereis also the issue of the status of women. The female circumcision, and horrific mutiliation that is common in some Islamic cultures.


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