My elder friend told me that his KH is in need of upgrading their electronic system so that they can be ready for the big Zone meeting in November and they need the flat screen televisions mounted to also enjoy all future special meetings put on by the Branch. The Branch has given them the exact specifications and he mentioned the Branch wants to use Apple products. They passed a resolution for a one time donation by the publishers to pay for the $6,000.00 system. Of course they had these funds a couple of months ago in their account until the WTBTS said that these funds was extra cash not needed by the congregation and should be given to them to help with the worldwide work.
At my hall a comment was made about how Jehovah's organization is moving so fast with new technology and we need to keep up with it and that He wants us to use the Ipads at the door so we need to adapt to the new way of preaching. Again Ipads seem to be the preference by the rank and file. Who is going to pay for all of the data used? The time is very near that if you are not using a tablet that you will be looked at as being spiritual weak.
My wife has been telling everyone about JW.Org and she doesn't even know how to use a tablet.
Sour Grapes