Also do I recall that in the money grab of congregation accounts, was there something about leaving only $5000 in each KH account to cover epenses and the rest sent to the borg for "handling". If a system is going to cost $6000 it would be interesting to find out if the borg send them the $ for this. I seriously doubt it, but would be interested to see if they did.
I hear it but I can't believe it
by Sour Grapes 23 Replies latest jw friends
When the WTBTS gets hammered in court for its crimes against children, the projectors true purpose will be realized. JWs won't be welcome at people's doors. As "Satans" world attacks the one true religion, JWs will be told to seek refuge at the KH. Then the GB and GB helpers will broadcast specially produced propaganda to strengthen the dubs against "persecution".
Kool-aide anyone??
Sour Grapes: At my hall a comment was made about how Jehovah's organization is moving so fast with new technology and we need to keep up with it
That's pretty funny.
Countless elementary school classrooms around the United States have desktop, laptop and tablet computing devices.
How is it that the WTBTS can convince it's followers that they are on the "cutting edge" of technology when the truth is they are perenially in catch-up mode.
Stupid cult!
What about those congregations/individuals that can't afford the technology? Foe some, that will be a large financial burden.
That Lett guy gives me the creeps. He even looks the part of a cult Leader.
I bet the Watchtower knew to make the congregation money grab first, then put out the edict to get the expensive technology devices into the KH's. Smart move on their part right there. Most congs will probably have to come out of their pockets again for the money, when they already had the money but just forked it over to the Watchtower with no questions asked. LOL
That Lett guy gives me the creeps.
Me, too.
He even looks the part of a cult Leader.
Yeah, he does. Sort of has that Marshall Applewhite look.
I bet the Watchtower knew to make the congregation money grab first, then put out the edict to get the expensive technology devices into the KH's. Smart move on their part right there. Most congs will probably have to come out of their pockets again for the money, when they already had the money but just forked it over to the Watchtower with no questions asked.
I think you're right about that.
Gustv Cintrn
Hi SG,
Like the topic; to see the Org moving ahead and keeping up with the advancement of technology in this 'online/wireless/connected/techie' generation is quite a breath of fresh air for us better educated/younger types inside. I notice that all advancement towards technology is very well received. The crowds are evolving right along with the flow, and it's overall good.
Hating on tech advancement will only hold a person back in all fields. Tech is now the norm everywhere one goes that's worth it, and it can only move forward speedily still.
WHY Apple products?? The MOST exspensive stuff out there. And they don't make TVs I don't understand.
Be Happy - the more they expose themselves they more they will fail. They have no idea how others in the real world will actually see them.
And the more they drag the rank and file onto the Internet the more jw's will find the information that exposes the thier "organization" as the Cult they are.
So I say, bring on the ipads. Anybody who figures out how to use Google and Wikipedia will find overwhelming evidence that the WTBS is a Cult.
I have a tablet. At the KH I look for anyone with KMs on the tablets... I KNOW they have been here lol