An important message from a PRACTICING Jehovah's witness

by Sparks 159 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    This important letter is personally to YOU, just as many of the Bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by YOU the reader.

    Sparky, the letters in the Bible were (according the Watchtower) written by God. I see you are following the example set by the GB and confusing yourself with God.

    I'm not disfellowhipped. I suppose you could say I was stumbled - by the Governing Body. I left when it became clear they have no special connection with God. With that, there was nothing left in the Organization for me. As they say, a fish rots from the head.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    "The Bible is a book written by Iron Age Peasants who didn't even know the earth revolves around the sun" - Lawrence Krauss

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    roflmao - you guys are so hilarious on these threads.

    The good thing is that lurkers reading this type of thread benefit "10 fold" (isn't that a JW term) over the trolls that start this crap.

  • westiebilly11

    decorated the earth for us?...harmony?...animals killing animals....scorpions..piranhas...tigers etc...poisonous snakes...pythons...crocs and alligators..poisonous plants....etc etc...come off it...are you saying jehovah deliberately did/created all this...? for death....billions and billions have died from diseases..wars..etc...why?..because mrs adam ate of the wrong tree...why?..because god knowingly allowed an evil spirit (devil) to exist and cross over into the human realm and talk to her via a snake? for the disgusting ruthless killing of whole families and nations in the first part of the bible...all done in the name of jehovah....blooodthirsty to the extreme....

  • love2Bworldly

    My response is this, JWs don't treat returning ones like the progical son in the Bible. I was reinstated many years ago and treated like I had leprosy, treated like bad association or whatever, and that's when I knew it wasn't a place that I wanted to be and that they did not have the so called Truth.

  • goingthruthemotions

    sparks............I will pray for your soul! If you had Jesus in your life you would not be an active witness!


  • Finkelstein

    OH for fu.k sake its a prank

    Sparks is not a JWS he's was once associated with the Borg a long time ago.


    He wrote the OP like he meant it see what kind of response he could develop.

  • crazyhorse

    Sparks just needs some solid reasons from JWN to leave the WT. There you have it.

  • steve2

    Sparks sh*ts in the nest and then has to leave. He belongs no where - even his brothers and sisters would look at him sideways if they knew where he has supped in recent times.

  • Finkelstein

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