Sparks: 11 years ago you posted "I don't hate the witnesses But".
What happen, you couldn't handle the outside world???
by Sparks 159 Replies latest jw friends
Sparks: 11 years ago you posted "I don't hate the witnesses But".
What happen, you couldn't handle the outside world???
I see that Sparky's old posts do not seem to jive with this one, but I don't know what to make of it. Would someone type this long of an OP as a trolling attempt?
The organization is not Jehovah.....Drives me crazy when JW's use them interchangably.. They never do that with Jesus. In your bible it says that Jesus has the highest name above all names. Your bible says people will become witnesses of Jesus. JW's dismiss those scriptures. How about the one where you honor the son as much as the father......NO WAY do JW's do that.......Just listen to your talks at the kingdom hall. Your songs in the song book. Reading the WT , listening to them talk. Even Sparks speaks of Jehovah 3x more than Jesus ( not to bad for a JW )
JW's are Jewish Pharisees with a touch of Christian.
Oh, and you should read some of my posts to see how horrible they treated my elderly mother, a witness for over 50 years. And how her worldly neighbor gave her love and help. Even though my mom was not that kind to HER
Thank you for your concern. I too, am one of"practicing' Jehovah's Witnesses, although I am df'd. I never left the religion and have been going to the KH for 6o years, most of my life. I was df'd because my sons were molested by an elder, and their best friend, a young brother, was drugged and raped, by this same elder, 17 years ago. I have never left Jehovah, or His Son, Jesus Christ. I have tried to get reinstated, but my meeting attendence and letters to the GB make no difference. You do not know to whom you are speaking. If you truly want to help, you will not judge anyone, not the people here, or anywhere. Some have been hurt and devastated beyond belief, my children and I are four of thoses ones. People are hurting, not just over a 'disagreement', but over life-changing, devastating experiences brought on by brothers or sisters. So, let me ask you this question, "Matthew 7:3 "Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye?" I suggest that you take your concern and share it with you and your family....because being one of Jehovah's Witnesses does not mean 'Once Saved always Saved."
This was a joke? NOT Funny!
Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! You have not a shred of truth. What would the GB say about your appearance here? I will get in touch with them for you. You must be so proud of your work. Share the joy with the GB--and get kicked out.
Looking at this guys posts from... 10 years ago........ he's got a bit of a sense of humour. He's either having us all on or else he's gone back to WT land and lost it.
haha good one; the op had me 100%
I think you missed the point. I don't have a problem with jehovah, jesus Christ, or his commands set out in the bible. I take my issue with a group of men sitting in NY. I think you are showing a very disobedient attitude by ignoring the faithful slaves directions by blatantly engaging with apostates.
If this not a joke we have a Mexican standoff here.
Sparks you may persuade a few here to go back and I mean
very few..I don't know if you notice but we are winning the standoff
here. You would do much better to go to a religious site to convert people.
You are in the belly of the beast here. Most here didn't read pass the first
two paragraphs, we have heard it before. I spoke those words back in
1970 my friend.....
Did you wake up this morning and thought to yourself, I'm going to witness
to the folks here and bring them back to Jehovah, me, myself and I.
Did you take your meds this morning?????