Letter of Reinstatement

by kayanow 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kayanow

    Hello all. I'm new to this website and I thought I'd create a profile. I was disfellowshipped in July of 2013 in another city. I since moved and starting going to meeting about 6 months ago in my new city. I am preparing to write my letter of reinstatement soon, but I have no idea what to say. What do they look for? I haven't attended meetings the whole time I've been out, just since around around May. The new elders in this city seem to be really nice, and have encouraged me a lot. Any advice is welcome. Thanks.


  • stillin

    Kaya, I keep forgetting that there actually are people who WANT to be manipulated by this organization! People who don't really care about the facts as much as they care about the social network or the sense of superiority and self-righteousness that they can have by being JW's.

    If you are repentant and you've "turned around" and you can grovel before the wiser older men, I'm sure they will let you back into the club.

    best wishes for a happy life.

  • opusdei1972

    I think that the content of the Letter should be based on why you were disfellowshipped. For instance, I was disfellowshipped because more than 10 years ago I met a worldly girl and she became my girlfriend and I had to confess that I had sex with her. Of course I was single in that time (now I am married). The elders of the Judicial Committee gave me a chance, they said: "You have 7 days to leave your worldly girlfriend". After 7 days, I met the elders again I and told to them that I will no leave her. So, they disfellowshipped me as a fornicator. After 4 years, I married my current wife (a worldly wife), then I wrote a letter in which I specified my status, so I wrote that I am married and I want to return to the organization because I wanted to be again with the people of God. So, after thirteen months I was reinstated.

    However, I currently do not believe that the Watchtower organization has the "Truth", so I am now free from that stupid religion and from those stupid elders who are slaves of a SLAVE CLASS.

  • Rattigan350

    What does it mean that they encouraged you alot? Encouraged you toward what? More giving out literature and giving lame talks?

    Why would you want to be reinstated?

  • naeuca

    Kayanow- what are you even thinking posting this on this website when replies you would get would only be from apostates and ones who hate the organisation. What a ridiculous thing to do!!!!!!!!!

    If you are attending meetings as you say you are then you would know exactely what to do and say in the letter.

    Be smart!

  • jwfacts

    Welcome kayanow. Do you still believe it is the truth, or are you trying to be reinstated for family reasons?

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Welcome, kayanow!
    I respect your decision.
    After all, what's wrong with being a Jehovahs Witness?
    "Jehovah's Witnesses are generally sincere, clean living people that wish to serve God.""One of the enjoyable aspects of being a Jehovah's Witness is the friends that can be made through the congregation and the broad variety of people that can be met through District Conventions."http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/wrong-with-being-jehovahs-witness.php

  • bigmac

    Kayanow- what are you even thinking posting this on this website when replies you would get would only be from apostates and ones who hate the organisation. What a ridiculous thing to do!!!!!!!!!

    its easy to blunder into this site thinking its an official watchtower website---i did. it was only after talking to cantleave--on another site--he put me wise. i doubt we will see the OP again. pity.

  • Listener

    Kayanow, since the whole disfellowshipping arrangement is solidly backed by the bible, you will find all the answers you need there.

  • kayanow

    I didn't realize that there would be such a backlash. I'm going back because for family reasons mostly.

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