I grew up Catholic so I've been there. The atmosphere is much more relaxed in the church unlike the Kingdom Hall. I liked going to church as a child. And as a teenager it was a nice place to just go when you had things on your mind and wanted to pray but you didn't want to be alone. I started studying at age 16 when I was craving more information. After I left, I went to a church my friend invited me to. Lots of singing and music, much different from the previous two.
Would you go to church?
by Coded Logic 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have set foot in them and see no reason to do more than that. Sit through a sermon- No thanks.
It would be vastly different, but I see no reason to subject myself to talks on imposed behaviour by a standard from the Bible.
I might be interested in non-Christian services just to see.
I have gone to a few religious weddings, but other than that I have never gone to a church service. I have been causally invited, but declining the invitation is usually considered a relief to all parties considered.
I really have no interest in the concept of religion. Spending a morning at a church is a complete waste of time - at least for me.
Band on the Run
I started attending services after college. The subway was down so I walked a different route than usually. Cesar Chavez, the migrant worker leader, was billed to preach the coming Sunday. I participated in the grape boycott. He rarely was available on the East Coast so I drove in. I was smitten but it took years before I was truly comfortable.
I don't attend churches that do not endorse gays or refuse women a role as minister/priest. There had better be a real organ. It became a huge part of my life. I need someone I trust to recommend it. Most RC and Pentecostal churches are completely out. Message Bible churches are out even more than RC and Pentecostal churches. There are so many special churches that I have not visited.
I went to my in-laws church, it was really nice, I seriously considered joining. It was United Church of Christ, it's pretty liberal, no doctrine, just fellowship.
I went to a good ol' southern baptist church with a friend when I first moved to the south. It was amazing...almost like a concert, those people sang their booties off, it was so much fun. So yes, I would go. I am not sure where I will be headed, my husband really wants me back at his side at the hall just to be there for him I guess, but man alive that it some boring stuff right there.
Umm. NO! Let me think about it Umm still NO! Oh I better re-think it! Umm still came up with HELL NO!!
I find all religious ceromonies ridiculous. If you go into evangelical churches in USA where people hip-hop with arms in the air and screaming "O praise him" or catholic church where priest is followed by pack of hillariously dressed young boys, I gladly say I do not want any part of it. And other frindge churces are as crazy as these, or even more.
" religion is the Opium of the people " Chairman Mao
" Religion is a snare and a racket" Rutherford ( and he should know)
I'm looking forward to going to Christmas service this year at the church near my house. I've no intention of converting or joining the church as a social club or anything like that, I've just not ever seen a Christmas service and I do love Christmas.