Would you go to church?

by Coded Logic 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I went to church last week for an art exhibition. The Artist was a renound " Abstruct" artist. It was a wonderful evening and spiritual mattets relating to his art were raised which i found very informative.

  • Mum

    Both of my grandfathers were country preachers of the Holiness/Pentecostal faith. I lived with my maternal grandparents until I was in 6th grade, and my parents lived in another state, so I went to church regularly. I was terrified in church because it seemed to me that my quiet, gentle grandparents, who rarely spoke, went crazy! The people "shouted," which meant they got up and jumped around in a kind of trance while shouting things like "Praise the Lord" and Hallelujah!" These were simple folk, poor Appalachian ("hillbilly") farmers who lived on the edge of ruin, plowed with mules, and had great skill with tools.

    My parents, both offspring of preachers, were party animals, and not religious at all. My dad's boss was a JW and started a "study" with my parents when I was 9 years old. When I was 15, I started "publishing." I was the only JW in the entire family, extended family included. I loved being "different," and felt self-righteous and superior. Yes, I was SO stupid! I left the JW's at age 32, young enough to start over.

    My second husband and I joined the Episcopal Church. He had graduated from a prestigious Episcopal college. One of his colleagues at work invited us to the church.

    Personally, I've had enough of religion. Nevertheless, I admit that I feel better after attending church, on the rare occasions I choose to go.

    I have taken my granddaughter to church, and will take my great granddaughter as well. As far as I'm concerned, exposure to religious people and religious beliefs constitute part of one's education in Western culture. It also gives the child some background to choose whether or not they want to be church-affiliated.

    Although I am no longer religious, I value my church experiences, all of them. They fill certain gaps in understanding and knowledge.

  • cantleave

    I have been to church for Harvest Festival, Easter and St. Georges parade when my son was a scout. I even wore my Flying Speghetti Monster T. Shirt.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    I have been to church for Harvest Festival, Easter and St. Georges parade when my son was a scout. I even wore my Flying Speghetti Monster T. Shirt.

    Hail Marinara! I'm sure you made his noodly apendages proud!

    Oh our Pasta, who art in heaven, Swallowed be thy shame. Thy meal time come. Thy Sauce be yum, On top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day our garlic bread. And lead us into temptation, while delivering us some Pizza. For thine are Meatballs, and wine, and Lord Pasta, for ever and ever.


  • Phizzy

    Good one CL !

    We have been to various Churches many times, usually connected to whatever musical event is on, but several have been actual Services, of various denominations.

    We soon got over the "weird" feeling from our JW upbringing, and simply enjoyed each occasion on its own merits. Neither of us are believers in Christianity though, so the feeling of being an observer more than a participent is a genuine one, and to be expected.

    We were impressed that most of the full on believers present really seemed to be really in to it, and really joyfull, very different from the boring, souless JW Meetings, where the majority are watching the clock, hoping it will soon be over.

  • Laika

    All ExJWs should go to Church, even if you don't believe, it's a good way to get over those ingrained Watchtower fears and discover the lies the Watchtower told us about 'Christendom'

  • AlphaMan

    I've been out since 95' and have only attended 1 church service. Visiting Notre Dame in Paris we went inside and they were having a Catholic service. I started out in the back, but ended up working my way to about 50 feet from the Priest. Very cool experience for me being a former JW. I would have no problem attending other church services for the experience. I would love to be invited to a church to speak out against the Watchtower or answer people's questions about JW's. I've not attended another JW meeting since I left 19 years ago.

  • WTWizard

    I would never want to join any church where they worship gods named Jehovah, Jesus, or Allah. Now, if they had Gods named Enki, Satan, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Azazel, Baal, and Thoth--and they could properly get me connected to those Gods--then I might go. I have given up on any salvation coming from joke-hova, allah, or jesus. Joke-hova and allah are the chief of the enemy gods, and jesus never existed but is a lie intended to enslave the human race.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I went to a church a couple of days ago.

    I have a neighbor with low vision (legally blind) who wanted to attend the funeral of a friend of hers who had died. She was at a loss about how she would get there, so I volunteered to provide transportation and protective detail.

    The funeral mass was held in a Roman Catholic Church. No big deal; I was born Roman Catholic and baptized RC before I even knew my name. My plan was to dress "business casual" and to not participate in the ceremonies, recitations, etc. All in all it was a boring - very boring - three hours, but my "mission" was just to get my friend there and back with minimum stress for her.

    Before the Mass itself started there was the recitation of the Rosary. Booooorrrrriiiinnnggggg! I was unable to keep my eyes open toward the end - the chanting, over and over and over, with The Lord's Prayer in between chants! Seriously, it seemed they recited the Lord's Prayer 12 times. Jesus wept! I am sure I was actually asleep for the last couple of minutes.

    Then a brief break.

    Then the Mass. "Blah blah, blah, stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel ( I sat), stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel ( I sat) stand up, sit down. I think this exercise program was designed by Jack LaLane! Then get in line to receive communion, or, if your from another tradition but would like a blessing, just cross your arms over your chest when you approach the altar and you'll be blessed by the Priest without the offer of wine and wafer.

    The most moving thing, to me, was the eulogy for the deceased offered by her son. From what he said I realized that some people really do have good and loving mothers. She was one.

    Finally it was over. I approached the son who gave the eulogy and told him he did a great job.

    Conclusion: I'm not "church material" but I am willing to fulfill a promise made to a neighbor, just as any good atheist would do.

    There were a few things that were different from what I remember of 57 years ago: the church I went to as a child was a traditional RC church; this one was a modern RC church, built in 1985, with a scarcity of statues, staines glass that was abstract, illustrating nothing, and GIRLS as "Altarboys"and WOMEN conducting the Rosary! Petras was a rolling stone!


    A few years ago I attended the Greek festival sponsored by the local Greek Orthodox Church, and I took the Church tour. Lots of iconography and statues in that strange fake Greek Orthodox Icon perspective. A bit more interesting, and the food was GREAT! Lamb, Calamari, Spanikopita, Retsina, OPA! The food is always good at church festivals. If you are curious about a church, attend a festival and drink wine until the feeling passes.

  • Divergent

    Question: Would you go to church?

    Answer: Why should I go to church??

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