No matter what they do, They will be destroyed forever!!!! I can't believe I used to believe that S**T!!!!
All these people will be destroy unless they become JWs (Watchtower teaching)
by hardtobeme 26 Replies latest jw friends
Same here!
Yeah, it is very embarresing sometimes. Though I will attest that I was never ever comfortable with this teaching. Believed it, just didn't like it. Not that that makes it any better. I mean, I don't think some of my older friends from Grade School realize what that means. Cause if they thought hard enough, they could totally come back at me and say, "So, all this time you were thinking we were all going to die a horrible death at Judgement Day, and that was your motive for preaching to us?"
I asked my JW brother in law which of his neighbors does he want to die at Armageddon? Since none of them are JWs, they will all die. He was quick to respond that Jehovah sees hearts and we can't say who will die or survive. I told him this is the politically correct answer and if he takes time to read his publications he will find in no uncertain terms that the only survivors are those associated with the WT organization. Wasn't baptism associated with Noah's arch and salvation? Blank stare and ackward silence...end of debate.
And to think, some of them won't have even been contacted by the JWs. And despite this and their loving actions, they will be destroyed.
Yet Jehovah will accept a drunkard and paedophile elder that was born into the JWs...we all make mistakes now and again, don't we?
What a fair and loving God Jehovah is.
I never believed this teaching, it was simply nonsensical when considered in combination with the teaching about the resurrection of the unrighteous along with the righteous, and it was clear that a good God couldn't destroy decent people even if they didn't believe. I suppose I didn't give much thought to the analogy with Noah's day because the people back then were all supposed to have been wicked.
The other day I went out in FS with our congregation's COBE; when we rang at the gate of a beautful mansion, he commented: "Really nice house ... I wonder if it'll become available soon after Armageddon, because I'd love to take it". I just looked the other way, wanting to puke.
The crucial question to ask regarding those people in the video is: how much field service time did they report last month?
Don't let their kindness fool you...we really must stay focused on the important things here.
"Really nice house ... I wonder if it'll become available soon after Armageddon, because I'd love to take it".
Isn't it interesting how it never occurs to JWs like this that maybe they won't be there either?! The arrogance is astounding.
So why go around preaching the latest interpretations of ANY religion if GOD can read hearts? Is it all Cosmic busy-work??? WTF??? While we are on the subject of who lives and who dies, shouldn't we be killing as many of our neighbors as possible? If the GT hits tomorrow, won't our neighbors die without the hope of a resurrection?!?!
breakfast of champions
Great video HARDTOBEME! Thanks for the link.