yup. All dead, dead, dead. If only they would have accepted that watchtower on that Saturday morning when they were startled by a knock on the door on their way to the bathroom after a strong cup of coffee.
All these people will be destroy unless they become JWs (Watchtower teaching)
by hardtobeme 26 Replies latest jw friends
shouldn't we be killing as many of our neighbors as possible? If the GT hits tomorrow, won't our neighbors die without the hope of a resurrection?!?!
By WT reasoning, once a person has heard "the Truth", they are now responsible. If they reject WT's message, they are a goat and will be destroyed. So, really, aren't Jehovah's Witnesses doing people a disservice by preaching to them?
It would be great to record some dubs as they stammer through their memorized presentations. Just imagine a film of nothing but presentations and silence when they are asked a bible question. Then let the viewer know that GOD decided to kill them based on a 3-5 minute regurgitated litany on a Saturday morning.
LOL!!!!! What a joke!!
"shouldn't we be killing as many of our neighbors as possible? If the GT hits tomorrow, won't our neighbors die without the hope of a resurrection?!?!"
Right there, is the crazy shit that can set off some
nut case witnesss who have been stressed beyond belief
by this cult! I would not be surprised if this happens
...........................hey we have already seen
that people flip out & start shooting up anything that
comes to their sickend minds, schools full of innocent kids,
shopping ctrs, movie houses ...it is happening now & in some
cases it is a witness involved!.
Watchtower JW.ORG may have a lot more blood on its
hands than they bargained for! Such a disgusting religion
that predicts that 8 billion people will be killed by god if they
don't join! OMG !
When I talk to people today about JW's the first thing I
tell them, JW's teach all you non-believers will be roasted
soon. Why? Because your ministers are agents of Satan..
Next time they come too your door, ask them.
There is elation among those folks, their return of Christ means
total destruction of all mankind except JW's...That
is the real message they are bring to your door.....
By WT reasoning, once a person has heard "the Truth", they are now responsible. If they reject WT's message, they are a goat and will be destroyed.
So why do witnesses cover the territory over and over and over again ? How many times does a housholder need to reject the message given by a witness for them to be given a red card ?
Wasanelder Once
If you watch the video you get the feeling that motorcycle riders are the princes in all the earth! lol
Yes, that's right - Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only they will survive Armageddon.
I've written an article on it here http://www.jehovahswitnessblog.com/armageddon/who-will-survive-armageddon
I hope you all like it :-)
Jaymes -
never a jw
A good God will kill for eternity people like Albert Schweitzer, a man born in a rich family, very smart, talented, with fame and money in his future, but instead of capitalizing on his great gifts to get all the fame and money he wanted, he founds a hospital and works as a doctor in a poor village in Africa. But that same God will save a JW for simply baptizing and swearing allegiance to the Governing Body. Where is the common sense in the mind of JW's?
I used to think that love was the hallmark of a jw...but since being out it seems that spiritual arrogance is the real hallmark....their assumptive attitudes stink.