GOZZ SAYS:. But people should be allowed to go in knowing everything.
WELL stated indeed- now with the net , it will continue to pose more of a challenge to jw esp in the western countries- case in point
just before i stepped aside the co told us point blank that in our area the NET was impacting the congo- i live in an area of the country were they news often times state that we have 1.2PCs per household-heck i got 5 in my house running-
well anyway the deal is this- he told us that we need to help the bro, see what happens due to years of wt training the avg jw almost Sh!ts in his pants when asked by a nonjw to read something thinking it is apostate material at the door-
we he mentioned that a number of pioneers were reporting at the semimar that they are losing studies - what happens is the person starts to study and they are told to share their new found knowledge with folks on the job, family, etc
well the moment they do that the family or co-work downloads TONS OF JW INFO OFF THE NET and then begans to ask questions and as he told us- they have asked the friends to READ THINGS well despite the fact that it is a direct quote from the wt the jw due to the indoctrination processs just Freaks out-he told us that some folks in the territory will invite the jw into the house and then WIPE OUT SOME PRINTOUTS the the jw will almost jump up to run-YOU KNOW THE INFO IS DEMONIZE- SMILE_ THEY feel.
anyway as i have often stated-- jw enjoy when a bible student ask lots of questions- problem is --it's not till a person is baptized do you then know what questions to ask, but then it's too late
so the net will continue to make it harder for the jw- one old bro in my bookstudy stated about the NET--
"you know we ain't even suppose to be up on that old internet"
well the young jw are being brought up on the NET and they will know it is more than just a toy but a serious source of INFO
my wife and i were out at Outback Steak House almost a yr ago- ran into on old elder from another hall- they didn't know that we were no longer attending meetings- he told me that the kids in the hall are up on the net ad they are coming to the hall and questioning the elders and he put it:
"Can you believe they are questioning the Slave"
so info has always been a High Control Groups worst fear and we see that with the WT
since they can't say not to go on the net- they can only DEMONIZE IT LIKE THEY DID COLLEGE
for the old timers they will listen,but the youth - WE SORRY-- smile
just my 2