A moving two-part theatrical production will portray significant events in Jesus’ life.
From JW.ORG.
by wifibandit 63 Replies latest watchtower bible
LOL!! Well, let's see...you can have all kinds of WT scenarios that occured while Jesus was alive, but that doesn't mean they have to ever show Jesus.
They can have the disciples fishing and then say, " Look! It's the Lord! Remember what he told us when...( actors freeze, sound drama runs its course, back to disciples )... "Yes I remember! What a significant event!!"
They can do a whole theatrical part about events surrounding Jesus' life, but that doesn't mean it will feature Jesus. I will be surprised if it does.
So if Caleb tells even a little lie, it's BAD!
But when Watchtower tells whoppers of lies, continuously, for 130 years, it's something GOOD we should give all our ice-cream money to.
I skimmed the 16 page "Return to Jehovah" tractazine. Pure fluff that would only attract the weakest of sheep to return to the shepherd... who will eat them.
Why don't they have chapters like: "Turn a blind eye to the pedophiles in the congregation and keep paying for the lawsuit settlements", "Sure, stories in the Bible like the flood and Solomon's temple are complete rubbish to take literally, but come back to the Kingdumb Haul anyway", "The GB are lying, false prophets, but come back to the Kingdumb Haul anyway", and "Conditional friendship as found at the Kingdumb Haul is the best kind!"
Billy, that was the one that I read through too, having said "yes" I have been to the first Conventions. Where are they? East Coast USA, I believe.
I saw that each "reason for leaving" had put the reason on YOU .
You had taken umbridge at someone, or you had allowed this life to get on top of you, etc...Not one comment about their own failed predictions, the 587v 607 controversy , or the stuff you mention. It won't bring back any thinking leavers . Perhaps it had to play up the notion that all leavers are unhappy - for the benefit of those still in the fold.
This new brochure is the answer to FusionTheism's question of, " How can you tell true humility from false humility?", because NOTHING is the ORGANIZATION/GB'S FAULT......EVER..
It is simply unimaginable for the GB to acknowledge anything as their doing. The problem is ALWAYS YOU. This is typical abusive behavior.
Just checked out wifi bandit's youtube link to all the videos. I did not have the patience to watch the "True Love" one very far . It is so tedious!
I could not stomach another cartoon with Caleb and Sophia ! not after last weeks Service Meeting one that got me riled..
But thanks, wifi bandit , you did a great job..
I thought the same thing as Billy. the tract "Return to Jehovah" was built to heap on the guilt and get you to walk in. It won't work on anyone who has taken any kind of principled stand.
Basically it says the only three reasons you could have left is that you got your feelings hurt, are depressed and weighed down, or that you are a dirty sinner who thinks you aren't good enough.
You are good enough!......sort of. Come back and go through the process. we promise to be gentle.
I would say many of us here can expect a call very soon with these from your local elder body. Because of this specific line I gleaned.
Consider: With much prayer, this brochure was carefully prepared. It was brought to your attention, perhaps by a Christian elder or another fellow believer. Then you were moved to read it and respond to its message. All of this is proof that Jehovah has not forgotten you.