Ground Zero PHOTOS! (Goodbye Red X's???)

by Mister Biggs 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    These were taken on February 11, 2002 (Five months after the tragedy).
    This day, they pulled the bodies of 5 victims from the rubble.
    I wish the photos were larger but the larger photos eventually turn into Red X's.

    Reflect and enjoy!

    This is just a building near the site. It has no visible structural damage.


    Damaged buildings next to the former WTC buildings...


    A model of the WTC that was displayed on the viewing platform
    at Ground Zero...


    A slightly different angle of the damaged buildings...


    A full-view of the tallest damaged building that was still standing. Look at the smaller buildings to the left..nearly every window is boarded up!...


    This is a view from the front of the viewing platform. The WTC stood where you see all of the construction taking place. The building's that you see did not suffer as much damage as the other building's (shown above) that were to the left of the WTC. If you look closely you'll notice that the J.P. Morgan building (with the green dome on top) only has a few, random boarded-up windows...


    This is the building to the right of the J.P. Morgan building. It appears that most of its' damage occurred on the lower floors...


    A sign saluting the police on the outer wall of Ground Zero...


    Another building near Ground Zero undergoing repairs...


    As you go up the ramp of the viewing platform there are memorials or shrines on either side of you. Here are some people soaking it all in. It also appears that Englishman visited Ground Zero :open_mouth:) ...


    Here are some emotions and feelings that visitors of Ground Zero expressed in writing. Notice the different languages. Also, notice how cold it was on the day I visited (it's Fahrenheit, by the way). The wind chill made it feel like, 0 degrees!...


    A closer shot of the smaller buildings that are shown in one of the photos above...


    More words written on the viewing platform...


    A different shot of the WTC model...


    J.P. Morgan building to the left. I'm not sure of the name of the building to the right...


    Just a building near the site. Undamaged...


    Two ladies expressing their condolences in writing. By the way, the two women walking away whose backs are facing you (to the far left) are Mrs. Biggs and Mrs. Biggs mom...


    Just two undamaged building's near Ground Zero...


    This art is to your left as you go up the ramp to the viewing platform. I don't know who made this but it is awesome, so life-like...


    A dedication to some police officer victims of 9/11...


    Lastly, a wall showing all of the victims names. A wall so large that I could not capture it in its entirety with a single camera shot...

  • Reborn2002

    Red X's appearing within a clear box always make me reflect on what is truly important in life.

  • peaceloveharmony

    thanks for the pics! too bad eframes won't let ya direct link anymore...but right clicking works.

    amazing shots, interesting to see how the clean up is coming

  • Mulan

    Didn't work for me. I have boxes with red X's.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Testing to see if it shows now...

  • peaceloveharmony

    i see it!

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I fixed the Red X problem (I hope)!!!

  • Billygoat

    I can see it now. Beautiful artwork at the end. The wall was pretty amazing too. I've been wanting to see that Memorial, but a part of me doesn't. I broke down when I saw the OKC Memorial and I didn't know anyone there. I do know that some of my colleagues passed away at this one. As well as some of my colleagues at my last company passed away there.


  • plmkrzy

    Got pictures on my monitor.

  • NeonMadman

    I drove by Ground Zero the other day. It's amazing how much they have succeeded in cleaning up that site. The West Side Highway/West St., which used to pass directly in front of the WTC, is now open all the way through and again connects to the FDR like it used to. You can access the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel from the west side again, and Ground Zero looks almost like an ordinary construction site, except for some remaining damage on the surrounding buildings. I was astonished to realize that this was the same area that we saw in the post-9/11 pictures of absolute destruction. Then again, it was very hard to realize that those pictures were of the same area where I used to walk around, have lunch, and marvel at the size of those towers.


    "Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
    --Bob Dylan

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