Of COURSE you can keep copies, puffsrule.
If you want to see BIGGER copies just e-mail me (you or anyone else) and I will send you an e-mail with a guest password that will allow you to view my photo album and you can view the photos and make them as big as your monitor.
[email protected]
Ground Zero PHOTOS! (Goodbye Red X's???)
by Mister Biggs 22 Replies latest jw experiences
Mister Biggs
Double Edge
Thanks for sharing...I feel like I just had a visit there. Also, the artwork was really cool...they look like depression era construction workers on a lunch break...they kind of pictures you see when they were constructing The Empire State building.
Makes me emotionally relive (partly) the awful event....I think we all could use a reminder, because I think we need to be vigilant for the future. Thanks again.
Mister Biggs
I must be stupid because I didn't think about the artwork the way you did.
However, since you gave your theory I can't believe how easy it should have been for me to realize that it is exactly what you say it is!
Thank YOU!
Now it actually makes sense.
Oh, and thank you for your other input. A lot of people won't ever be able to visit Ground Zero. That is why I decided to post the pics.Take care!