Jehovah's Witnesses 2015 Regional Convention Saturday PM experience parents shunning children

by Watchtower-Free 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I always told my children that I would die for them but I would not be there if they left Jehovah.

    .................Image result for watchtower logo


    .................................Image result for emotional blackmail

  • SafeAtHome
    Oh, and I wonder how much $$$ the daughter contributes to this worthless set of parents for their upkeep. Did I understand correctly, they are at Bethel now? Living large on their monthly pittance. Bet they are happy she got a job where she had to interact with "wordly" people.
  • Oubliette

    @ 2:16"

    "I had always told our kids, well I told our kids that, "I would die for you, I love you, I would die for you. But if you ever leave Jehovah I wouldn't be there."

    Ron and Brenda Sutton are an excellent example, ... an excellent example of completely messed up, controlling and manipulative parents that have surrendered their natural love and loyalty to their children and given it over to a cult.

    What kind of parent says something like this to their own children?

    A statement like that is a perfect example of the conditional nature of all relationships a person has when they are a Jehovah's Witness:

    • I will always love you, ... but only as long as you do what I say ...
    • I love you if ....
    • You are the most important person in the world to me, ... except actually you're not. You're maybe #2. So don't push it.


    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • 3rdgen

    I was told exactly the same thing by my parents from the time I was a toddler. When I was 3 I met my father's 20 yo son. I never saw him again until the funeral 14 years later. My 1/2 brother was shunned and written out of the will for never being baptized. From time to time I would ask why my brother is not in our lives. The answer was "Because he doesn't love Jehovah."

    If I had ever been DFed I know for a fact I would never see or hear from my parents again unless I was reinstated. They also regularly told me about the Israelites stoning their rebellious children as though they would have had no problem doing it themselves.

    My childhood was full of fear and anxiety. My adulthood was spent trying to please my narcissistic mother and my angry God. At age 60 I gave up trying.

    When I left I tried to reach out to my brother but I can't find him. He would be well into his 80's now.He is either dead or dead to me. (Sigh)

  • lrkr
    The brainwashing is so obvious. I feel sad for these people and their daughter.
  • Oubliette

    3rdgen: At age 60 I gave up trying.

    That was the only good news in your otherwise depressing post.

    JW parenting is simply abusive. To explicitly say that your love is conditional, to constantly threaten your children with emotional abandonment and isolation, this is horrible.

    To ostracize and shun a person is the second worst thing you can do to them. It's even worse than murder. The only other thing that is worse is physical torture.

  • TheListener
    I hope my wife hears an experience similar to this at her RC. Just maybe it will remind her of the scientology movie we watched.
  • 3rdgen

    Oub, Sorry to be depressing. My intention was to affirm that these parents are not unusual in dubland. also to respond to how young this indoctrination starts. The negative effects are the gifts that keep giving.

    The good news is I woke up before I am on my deathbed. My health is good and I intend to live LONGER and BETTER than my mother who turns 97 in a few months. :)

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    60 is still young 3rdGen, try some speed walking and slow jogging with some weight lifting. 60 is today's 50 !

  • Alive!

    1 Corinthians 15:33New International Version (NIV)

    33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”[a]

    THIS video clip tells it all.The religion of Jehovahs Witnesses endorses and cultivates dishonest manipulation and coercion in families.This fits in with the experience of "Robert" which was repeated in two watchtower articles - he admitted that his family's strict observance of having nothing to do with him was the key in bringing him back.TWICE that story was repeated in consecutive years. I LOVE the writing department and he GB for being so transparent about their filthy tactics.How bizarre they don't see it, don't see how utterly wrong it is. It's disgusting things like this that make me so glad that I removed myself from the influence of such "association".Having said that - I had no family to lose.......what an utterly miserable mess to be under the control of men who are clearly unbalanced and proud to enforce a culture of blackmail.

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