Jehovah's Witnesses 2015 Regional Convention Saturday PM experience parents shunning children

by Watchtower-Free 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cadellin

    Notice the use of the word "Jehovah" to refer to the organization. This is similar to the gag-worthy Sophia video where the little girl gives her only coin "to Jehovah," even though it is the multinational corporation that is getting it. Now, when a group of minimally educated men of limited intelligence make a decision to disfellowship, it is "Jehovah's" direction, "Jehovah's" discipline. The name is used to invoke divine, unquestionable authority, putting a God's face on what is a very human, imperfect set of dictates. This is, I think, mind control or manipulation, without a doubt.

    But do they use that name when protesting that they are not inspired prophets? Or when they make a mistake? Or when they have to "tack" like a sailboat in the quest for "new light"? Then, it's all "imperfect men"!

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    So she admits that she was just "a body in the car" while pioneering.

    Why are they still so sad now that they got what they wanted?

  • blondie
    As I read this I think of the elder that calls his df'd son everyday at his employment (sits next to active jw who is astonished); the elder who ride shares with his df'd son (I see them every day on my way to work), the elder who has a doctor in his HMO but always calls his long df'd doctor son to treat him in his clinic, the elder who travels down to see is df'd daughter to help her with her finances (two weeks of restaurants, beaches, etc., strange business office). The biggest behind the scenes hypocrites on this point are elders. Their answer to me when I mentioned it, "necessary family business" and don't tell anyone else or you can get in trouble.
  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    Sick, sick, sick.

    Funny how this convention is about imitating Jesus, when he was all about acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness.

    JWs need to learn to chill the F**k out.

  • JWdaughter

    Coming back for family. She wasn't "coming back to Jehovah", she was coming back to momma.

    Its amazing how some cling to abusive parents and toxic family relationships, isn't it?

  • Tornintwo

    I just can't figure out where their reasoning is on this?

    The WT about not emailing your df'd children was one of the main things that woke me up, especially as my son had just gone inactive (not baptized) thankfully. He's a bit confused and vulnerable and I spend most of my time guiding him and supporting him, without which I think he'd be sleeping on some druggee's sofa. They make no allowances for vulnerable youngsters. How many problems, from depression, to substance abuse even to suicides is this heartless policy going to lead to?

    Even if you look at it from a believing JW point of view, why can't they allow families to judge for themselves how much association and support their own child needs, this 'one size fits all' cruelty is just the opposite of Jesus love for the individual. If this was the true religion wouldn't they be saying, 'although our daughter left our faith, we never stopped showing her love and supporting her, we were always there for her, she realized that this must be the truth because of the kindness she was shown".

    I find it sickening actually and I'm still an active JW, wouldn't be surprised if this shocked and woke up a lot more parents out there. Hope (in a strange way) they have a similar experience at every DC.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious
    I LOVE that write up. It was my mom getting DFed that began my wake-up process, and put a large divide between my family forever.
  • smiddy

    Pure and simple child abuse at it`s of abuse ,emotional blackmail of your own children , how sick is that ,this couple should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.


  • Designer Stubble
  • menrov

    Jesus died for all, enemies and friends.....

    but these guys will only give their lives if they are members of the organisation. I thought this conference was about imitating Jesus.

    Child got back in due to family pressure. That is why Jesus said: Mat 10:37Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

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