So I was just thinking about my days at WTF and driving out for book study when it dawned on me.
Bethelites are given a stipend for travel based on NYC public transportation. Depending on how you pay let's just call it a $5.00 round trip.
If you drive your care you're also reimbursed for mileage at the standard IRS rate. Let's round that down to .50 per mile.
If four bethelites get in a car and drive an average of 30 miles to the (former) bookstudy the society is spending 4x$5.00 for the stipend plus and additional $30.00 for mileage. That's $50.00 per car load.
6000 plus bethelites worldwide. Let's say 2000 don't commute. 4000 do commute to the (former) bookstudy. That's 1000 car loads at $50.00 or $50,000.00 per week or 2.6 million dollars per year.
That should pay off a few Pedo lawsuits.