Meanwhile in the rest of the world, we routinely pay through the roof for gas (or as we call it in New Zealand, petrol) and tend not to b*tch about it. Yet Americans were faced with a big rise in the cost per gallon of gas (long overdue IMHO) and, bingo, the GB steps in and says, "To ease the burden, there will be no more separate Book Study". We could be forgiven for concluding that the Witnesses in the USA are a truly favored. I'm not bitter - just a little twisted.
The Real Reason For No More Bookstudies.
by ctrwtf 17 Replies latest jw friends
It was because Armaggedon was very close. It is so close right now. Watch's almost's's....your getting warmer,,,warmer......
steve2 - in the rest of the world they have diesel hybrids and excellent public transportation that allows one to get anywhere as quick or quicker by train(some as fast as 300mph), tram, subway, etc than by car. In the USA we are spinned the story, "No selling of diesel hybrids and other cars that get 60 to 100mpg because nobody would want them", and if you take a train anywhere, expect it to take 4X or longer than driving.
I was in Switzerland, gas costs more, but all the vehicles got double/triple gas mileage, so it ended up costing the same or even less.
The bookstudy was blended with another meeting, eliminating one night per week of kingdom hall use; that means that more congregations could fit into one kingdom hall.
The red herring that it was fuel prices is just so much bunko; African families have to swim rivers to get to meetings, but gas goes up 1 dollar gallon and they get rid of home studies?
The issue was having one more night for the kingdom hall, getting rid of the liability of pedo's at the home of the book study, and cutting down on 'out there' ideas and commenting.
Which was a bummer; the book study in a home was a community building thing, coffee and treats after, etc.
The WT ruins every good thing, seems like on purpose.
centralizing mind control.
The bookstudy was blended with another meeting, eliminating one night per week of kingdom hall use; that means that more congregations could fit into one kingdom hall.
Good point. More Congs sharing a building means splitting the utilities and more money leftover to send to Brooklyn. I conducted the study at the KH. Looking back it was silly to get all dressed up to go to the KH for 1 hour and study the Revelation book nonsense like 3 different times.
More congs splitting the KH meas more others can be sold, then more can be renovated or even newly built due to "needed expasion" ( looks like psudo-growth huh?) .....more perpetual donation turned for the new needed work at the KH. the cycle is to perpatuate $$$ promises "required/hounded/guilted" from the members via those pledge slips.
I think it was for both monetary and control reasons. We actually used to sit around and discuss things after the book study...but you can't do that at a kh. Toe the party line, people...and put (y)our money in the coffers.