"I don't care if it's teachings are false, I'd never leave because it's the best way of life"

by 4thgen 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Space Madness
    Space Madness

    I'll repost something I said in a previous thread that dealt with a similar topic. It was about why believe in God if there's no evidence for his existence. The same logic can be applied here.

    "Assuming there is no God and all the positive results people experience are just a placebo effect, why exactly is that a problem? If belief in God makes me a better person, isn't that enough for me to justify my belief? Why get rid of something that's beneficial for me just because of the perceived evidence? It would be like someone stopping medication that's clearly working for them just because some people believe the evidence says it shouldn't work. There's no proof on whether God exist or not so I believe its logical for me to choose the option that yields the best results."

  • Finkelstein

    "even if it's not the truth, it's still the best way of life",

    Yes heard that a couple of times by power influenced elders back in the day.


    There are many extenuating social ramifications from sociological aspect, such as destroying relationships with immediate family members .

    Lack of education and the detrimental effects that has on a individual's intellectual maturity and to further extent humanity.


    The over abundance of fear and superstition on behavior instigated by the WTS. leaders themselves..... whats demonetized and and so forth.

    Death from refusing a blood transfusion when its deemed necessary to save a life from a medical necessity.

    The overt oppression of personal self expression on personal clothing or hair length , books to read , music ..... etc. etc.


    The actual segregation or restraint regarding social activities from outside the organization, such as charities , sports, political involvement.


    When you are supportingly involved with the WTS. you are involved with this publishing house's literature proliferation, therefore you are involving yourself with

    its inherent commercialized corruption in its activities of charlatanism.

  • FirstLastName

    I used to work at a call center ( one of my first jobs), were we worked long thankless days, taking verbal abuse from customers who called in, getting paid very little. I hated it. But the manager of the department kept telling us how good we had it, and other jobs are MUCH harder. Those words kept me at that company, until they dissbanded the entire department and then we were all out of jobs.

    Now I look back and think that was the WORST job I ever had!

    JW's are TOLD this is the best way of life - That everyone out in the world is miserable. They believe it. I might keep them in regardless of how unhappy or how many doubts they have. Its the fear of the unknown, or even the possibility of something "worse".

  • galaxie

    Space m ..you are of course entitled to choose your ' option ', but most in the theistic camp don't see it as an option, to them it's an absolute.

    Therein lies the rub, if you know the teachings are false in what way would you have the best way of life based on a known falsehood.

    Is it not better to pursue a lifestyle based on being true to yourself.

    This course is surely imo better for those to whom you are close to and may look to you for guidance and example.

    Best wishes.

  • Phizzy

    This was said to me by an Elder not long after I left, my knee-jerk reaction was to say "Well, you might as well be a Mormon, they lead a good clean life".

    There was a silence, and I suddenly realised the guy is quite a heavy drinker, so my example was neither good nor tactful.

    He proceeded to do the JW thing and change the subject. I think I know why.

    I would now probably ask , " how is it better than someone morally upright who does much for his fellow man in charity and voluntary work, how is your life better than that ?"

    I met another Elder a few weeks back, a real loving man, a good man, and he said to me that there are many good people in the world, many who are far better than many JW's, he then added, "but they of course do not worship Jehovah", I think his view was more balanced than that of the first Elder. Just.

  • Finkelstein

    There is much self supporting propaganda being put forth by people in power and control of this religious organization.

    Doing so actual reconfirms their positional power and control by elders and alike.


    Being that this religion is trying to emulate the social moral standards of civilization that exists 2000 years ago, there is bound to be ignorant backward postulations.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Space Madness: If belief in God makes me a better person, isn't that enough for me to justify my belief?

    Religion doesn't always make people better people. Ever hear of ISIS?

    And, belief in god makes you "better" compared to what?


    In regard to the topic, if a JW learned WT wasn't the "Truth", would they still:

    > refuse a life-saving blood transfusion for themselves or their children?

    > shun a family member who has a different view of life?

    > choose not to attend college simply because some higher up tells them not to?

    > shelve their dreams ?


    How exactly do these choices constitute the "best way" of life?

  • clarity

    "I don't care if it's teachings are false, I'd never leave because it's the best way of life"


    Those were the last words a good 'friend'

    ever said to me!


  • not bitter
    not bitter

    I know someone that said similar to me. His words were along the lines of

    ''its a good club to be in''

    He got out eventually.

  • Haupi33

    Everyone is different. Some people like being in a controlled environment and I say let 'em have it. Especially if they know TTAT. My only problem with them is if they're trying to bring others in...but on second thought that takes a skilled trickery that maybe those types of folks don't have.

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