by Sparks 83 Replies latest jw friends


    Its a good parody, if its a joke. It's a little long. everything in comedy.

    If the Bible is Gods word then the GB routinely blaspheme the Holy Spirit with their legalism that supercedes the Bible. I'm not worried anymore. I have just a good as chance of getting an afterlife as anyone else.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Satire or not, he lost me at "Important message by a practicing Jehovahs Witness"


    LOL!! I skimmed the first couple of paragraphs, laughed out loud and then stopped reading.


  • Finkelstein

    Sparks sure knows how to spark things up.

    Had a few people fooled though.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What a disgusting and sad delusional rant. This young chap obviously explored this website and others and was so horrified at what he read that he didn't just go into extreme denial, he's gone on an extreme vent spleen attack. He's clearly very angry and bitter and twisted about apostate stuff he's been reading. And he's clearly been watching a lot of dodgy porn with malware and viruses that's infected his computer lol!

  • DocHouse

    " Often the end result of a brother or sister doubting the Faithful and Discrete Slave or believing apostate lies, results in deep depression. Often this is caused because they feel suddenly lost. All they believed, often from childhood, is suddenly gone,like removing the crutches from under a man with broken legs. Now they suddenly just face death.No paradise.No eternal life. Nothing."

    Very true of those who rest their faith on THEM- rather than God and Christ.

    Only an idiot pretends there can be a large group of people with no pretenders or flaw.

  • objectivetruth

    " this REALLY pissed me off, so I said;` Theres SIX BILLION people on this planet, the Jehovah`s witnesses are just a tiny-TINY minority.....HOW DARE YOU tell me, we out-side your religion can`t have personal relationship with God...!!!.cheeky bastard...... Needless to say, I walked off." - SPARKS 2003

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    " this REALLY pissed me off, so I said;` Theres SIX BILLION people on this planet, the Jehovah`s witnesses are just a tiny-TINY minority.....HOW DARE YOU tell me, we out-side your religion can`t have personal relationship with God...!!!.cheeky bastard...... Needless to say, I walked off." - SPARKS 2003

    Brilliant catch Objectivetruth!

    I guess he's just one of those people who CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! He had to run back and hide under mummy organisation's skirts and then lash out at those who had the real mental strength and balls to leae this abusive mother organisation behind and expose her wickedness for what it is.

  • SAHS

    To “Sparks”:

    “How do you feel about the other "Internet Terrorists" that go on FaceBook,Twitter, "Chat-rooms" and Pro-suicide websites that encourage people to commit suicide..??? In England alone, theres been dozens of suicides in recent years,many are vulnerable youngsters. These Internet Terrorists are murderers with innocent blood on their hands... They are evil to the core.”

    Well, . . . . what about the leaders (dictators) of a religious organization/corporation who have been not only encouraging but ordering – yes, demanding – its members to deny themselves and their children – even their innocent young babies – life-saving blood transfusions in a medical emergency, which has caused tragic and needless deaths in the thousands, all because of an arbitrary rule based on an illogical and nonsensical interpretation, promulgated by Hayden Covington, Nathan Knorr, and Frederick Franz – which was really more of a publicity stunt and a control mechanism than a sincere and conscientious effort to follow the essence the teachings of Jesus Christ, who I’m sure would be quite appalled at this. (If it was so important, then why did the Watchtower Society wait until 1961 to make it a disfellowshipping offence?) That’s actually quite a significant amount deaths. What about all that “innocent blood on their hands” – the hands of the Watchtower Society?

    Not to mention all the needless deaths from the period when the Watchtower Society banned all organ transplants. What about that?

    And what about all the depression and suicides from the trauma of those who had needlessly been sent to prisons – sometimes having even been physically raped there – from the period when the Watchtower Society banned all alternative military service?

    And what about all the depression and suicides by those who have had their entire families ripped away from them because of the strict disfellowshipping/shunning policy? That’s really a lot of blood.

    “Today sodomy is fashionable all over the world with heterosexuals also.. ie men and women.”

    Who the hell made you the dictator of what married couples do in their own bedroom? And what business is it of yours anyway?

    As for stumbling blocks,” what about all those people who have been severely stumbled by the Watchtower Society’s constantly flip-flopping teachings and policies? People who have been lied to by arrogant leaders, who have given them significant “bum steers” and brushed it all off without so much as a simple and honest apology?

    “Just before Armageddon several things are going to happen,one being that the King of the South [ America/England] will attack the King of the North [Russia] or vise versa.”

    Or vise versa? Well, which is it? And does the “spirit-directed” Governing Body even know who the kings of the north and south even are?

    “Many even disagree that God's name is Jehovah.... these are just morons, nit-picking,why not look in Wikipedia encyclopedia on-line, or Encyclopedia Britannica or any encyclopedia rather than listen to these idiots.”

    Well, why don’t you bother looking at the Watchtower’s own literature, which actually mentions that the name “Jehovah” was the invention of a Spanish Dominican Monk, Raymundus Martini, in his book Pugeo Fidei, published in 1270 C.E.? This was printed in The Watchtower, Feb. 1, 1980, p. 11, ¶2. Read it!

    “. . . one brother asked a young apostate on here : " So now where do I go.. where do I turn.. I still believe in God?" The cold answer was: " Why can't you just accept that theres no God. We are just like flowers; we grow-up,bloom in our prime,spread our seed to reproduce,then shrivel-up in old age and die, that's it Dude..! ".”

    Simply dying and no longer existing actually sounds a heck of a lot more appealing to me than living “forever” on an earth ruled exclusively by such a cruel Orwellian dictatorship as the Watchtower!

    “. . . you are so evil.” “. . . the Apostate terrorists . . .”

    So, us “apostates” (former Watchtower members) are evil? Terrorists? Well, quite frankly, considering all the suffering and deaths that the Watchtower Society has caused worldwide over all these years, I would say that the Watchtower is at the very least extremist!

    And you, “Sparks” (whoever you are) – from what you have been posting here, you have advertised publically that you are indeed a very ignorant and hateful person. You know, it’s funny that the people who are duped and blinded the most are the ones least likely to realize that they are. Now, get your head out of your ass, take that self-righteous ‘rafter out of your own eye’ (Matthew 7:5), read Matthew chapter 23 regarding “the scribes and the Pharisees,” and then go repent before our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You twit.

  • Zordino

    Sparks, you seem to have an obsession with Sodomy... whats that all about?

    But seriously this is just a joke right? You're pulling our Leg... no pun intended.

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