Sparks: The apostate Terrorists on this web-site often succeed in either making Jehovah's witnesses doubt the Faithful and Discrete Slave's teachings or they manage to get a brother or sister to believe their twisted lies. This is done in several cunning ways; either by stating The Faithful and Discrete Slave keeps changing it's doctrines...
The more you post, the more you expose your own leaders as being indecisive blind guides!
The undisputable, incontrovertible, 100% provable fact is, the F&DS DO keep changing their doctrines!
The F&DS even admit as much! They take pride in it! Since they admit it, why can't you accept it? We know you are having a hard time defending teachings that are built on sand, but please try to leave yourself with a little bit of credibilty.
The simplest thing in the world is to prove you are as blinded as they are.
By your desperate name calling and tenuous defense of the WT you are wilfully ignoring demonstrable reality.
Hoping and saying that the WT are right does not make them so. Their recorded actions and written history prove otherwise. Fact.
The F&DS are your Gods. They have become "Jehovah". You close your eyes to the obvious and berate those who refuse to do the same.
Stick your fingers in your ears and go and do your raindance somewhere else where the natives appreciate your rejection of truthful facts, and where you can indulge yourselves in the deceptions you so obviously love to love.
Fancy trying to defend this indefensible statement!
Silly, silly Sparks!