Finkeistein:Now that's a good JW.LOL
What makes a "good Jehovah's Witness"??
by stuckinarut2 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yeugh!!!! Family Worship night.
Iown Mylife
Observe elders' kids changing their outfits after they leave the house, meet a bunch of pioneer and elders' kids, and go bar hopping, most underage, but say nothing.
while working at the drive thru window you overhear a coworker, an elder's kid, making plans with "worldly" kids to meet up at a pot party where some cute boys hang out. This time you say something to the mother. Oops! The entitled supercilious privileged spiritual pioneer wonder kid blesses you out for upsetting her mother. And the next distcon when you run into the mom, she smarmily informs you that though your concern was appreciated it was totally misplaced. A'course, she couldn't have foreseen the girl would get boiled as an owl and fall off a deck at a party, breaking several bones.
You tell an elder that your husband is arriving home drunk from work almost every night. He advises you to stop talking that way about your husband. Well then you tell your husband if he gets drunk one more time he is out of the marriage and out of the entire family. Your best friend informs you what a bad example you are, to order your husband around. "We have to wait for Jehovah to straighten these things out, so just pray about it."
Well those were the good old days, when I was a good jdub.
Wait on Jehovah - what a load of bollocks.
Where did Jesus say ANY of this? What does any of this have to do with love of God or love of neighbor!
Develop strong skills of lying to yourself. This will spill over into lying to your children even though you convince yourself that you are doing the "right" thing.
Take lots of anti-anxiety medication. A few alcoholic beverages most evenings will help also.
Become a different person to eveyone in your life. This will require keeping all your friends and acquaintances seperate and never seeing them at the same time. Your most holy personality will be around your JW family members. They can't know about your political opinions or that you like to see R-rated movies or that you attended a church wedding of one of your in-laws.
......................If you have JW Relatives that are Constantly Bothering You with..
...............................Their JW Cult Religion and Interfering with Your Life..
.........................I`ve Found That This Makes Them A Good Jehovahs Witness..
....................................................You Can Get Along With..
Suspend all Critical/independant thinking and keep your head up your Ass at all times especially when it comes to important life decisions
Be a Fake/phony false Prophet and do whatever you're told by the JB through their Hot Steaming pile of Doctrine.
Be a delusional idiot and live in La La Land
Oh and a good JW must truly believe that the JB's Hot Steaming pile of Doctrine's comes from an invisible man who lives in the sky and reveals this special knowledge to them magically.
People who are proud of being ignorant and never having read a book. Those who have never had an original thought, looked up a word they don't know or googled something they didn't understand. People used to walk in our house and just stare wide-eyed at our books. One JW said books made him nervous.