How long do you think it would be before non gets deactivated?
Grammar For Farkies
by non_trias_theos 35 Replies latest jw friends
This individual sounds strikingly similar to mystikool and eutapro. Do you have a confession to make, non-whatever?
Pedantic non-sense!
Non is our omniscient poster. [8>]
: Non prefers not to say what languages he speaks. The reasons are self-evident
Yes they are: non is someone who worships itself by speaking in the third-person and won't even reveal what languages it speaks.
In other words, non exhibits all the classical symptoms of DipFuckism. (I sure hope I used the proper declension. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)
Non, Non, Non
How many times must you be told that it is very improper to end a sentence with a preposition???!
Please explain to non what type of animal you are referring to.
You should have said, 'Please explain to non to what type of animal you are referring.' Puleease!Of course, these are your standards, not mine.