Doat-Dog - "If real aliens landed in a spaceship tomorrow, JWs would run through the streets screaming that the GT had started!!! I am almost 100% sure that JWs would think demons were attacking."
Demons need spaceships? That's not in the Bible!!!
Seriously, though; First Contact - in whatever form it came in - wouldn't destroy religion per se.
...fundamentalism would not handle it well.
There was a university study published a while back (I can't find it on the net anymore) where the researchers ran a poll to determine what percentage of the US public believed in the existence of "paranormal" phenomena, i.e. ghosts, angels, demons, curses, witchcraft, etc.
Initially, they had also included "aliens" in the list, but the first batch of test results came back with something the team didn't expect...
...a significant number of those tested who did believe in the existence of most of the former (to varying degrees, depending on which), most definately did not accept the possibility of ETs under any circumstances.
The researchers scratched their heads.
Then they looked into the types of people that comprised that specific portion of test subjects, and discovered that (surprise, surprise) almost every single one of them were fundamentalist/evangelical Christians. They did a bit more research, and concluded that - long and short of it - due to a number of ideological restrictions, the fundagelical Christian worldview simply didn't allow for the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life.
This didn't surprise me in the least, BTW... a JW teenager, I was nevertheless a big sci-fi fan, so I obviously had considered the possibilty of alien existence and/or contact. After thinking about it for a while, however, I had come to the conclusion that if peaceful (or non-peaceful, FTM) First Contact occurred in the near future, JWs would have tremendous difficulty recovering from the event. The WTS has never gone on hard-and-fast record saying that the existence of ETs is impossible, but the rare occasions they've touched on the subject, anyone with half a brain could read the message between the lines... ETs; their existence would be borderline (or over-the-border) blasphemous.
Remember that old "Alien Autopsy" video from the 90s? I was still more-or-less a dutiful believer when that came out, and the possibility that it might be real disturbed the hell out of me.
Incidentally, this is why I suspect why any theoretical Disclosure event keeps getting shelved (if hard evidence of alien existence or contact actually does exist).
Since hard-core right-wing Christians are such a significant percentage of the US public (and, I might add, comprise far more domestic terrorist groups than left-wing extremists), what politician in their right mind would want to be the one to blow the whistle on it and potentially trigger a full-bore nation-wide fundamentalist (and probably apocalyptic) freak-out?