hamsterbait - I agree
NAVYTOWN - I agree
AlphaMan - I agree
littleSocrates - Your comment seems reasonable and level-headed. I don't know what the danger to the rest of the world is.
tootired2care - I agree
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who is irritated by this. Others want to dump on the U.S. yet they want to get everthing they can from it.
U.S. leadership is wimpy. It's like the mother you see in Walmart who can't handle her children. She buys them everything and gives in to their every demand, yet can't control them and lets them walk all over her and totally disrespect her. Instead of getting tough she weakly pleads with them.
I'm not against the U.S.'s helping others, but I agree with the comments made above about the others' stopping all their $hit and putting forth effort to solve their own problems first. I think the U.S. should toughen up and say "you're not getting a thing from us until you stop this and start that". And the U.S. should also demand that other nations - Saudi Arabia, China, etc. contribute an amount of help equal to what the U.S. contributes.
I do feel exremely sorry for the innocent ones who need help, but the U.S. is like a ship. It can only "hold" so many people. If too many people board the ship, it will sink, and then it won't be available to help anybody. The U.S.'s land, resources, finances, etc. are finite, but it seems that many in the rest of the world think they are limitless. Many want the U.S.'s doors to open up to any and all who want to come in and receive free medical care and all kinds of other assistance. The U.S. is to solve all the world's problems... and then still get dumped on.