I was surprised when this was read at our meeting this week because it wasn't posted here first. I wonder if the org is wising up to releasing letters too early.
BORG running low on $$$??
by fader77 71 Replies latest watchtower scandals
So, should present copies be marked: What DID the Bible Really Teach? - Collector's Edition?
Haha! Good one. Going to use it. Thx.
I don't believe they are running low on money anymore than there was a 'deficit' at the circuit assemblies.
Separation of Powers
It is all about control. Publishers are tossing literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in literature every month. How do I know this? Well, I am extrapolating so bear with me.
I went to the dump to drop off some yard waste. I had to drive through the garbage area to get to the recycle, compost area. As I am driving through my kid says, "Dad, check it out. A ton of JW stuff!" Well, lo and behold, there is a pile of old mags and tracts, newer ones mind you, almost two garbage cans full just dumped out next to a bunch of other trash. I thought it was a great visible metaphor.
I think the best way to find out if theres new light is to see what the Mormons, 7th day, and few others are coming up with. The GB will just copy them since thats what they have always pretty much done.
I do believe the BORG is in need of money and preping for new light.....two birds with one stone. i recently posted this below about the amount of money going out:
- 2011 BORG spent over 173 million for special pioneers, missionaries, and TO’s and not mentioned is the amount of money it takes to run a website. i.e.to be high up on all the searches cost a lot of money
- 2012 Borg spent over 184 million for special pioneers, missionaries, and TO’s and not mentioned is the amount of money it takes to run a website. i.e.to be high up on all the searches cost a lot of money
- 2013 Borg spent over $200 million for special pioneers, missionaries, and TO’s and not mentioned is the amount of money it takes to run a website. i.e.to be high up on all the searches cost a lot of money
Notice the words "spent over" indicatiing they are not going to give an accurate number, but rest assured it is well over $200 million.
if you look at the money going out on an upward swing every year we could expect the money going out to larger and larger exponent value increasing every year at a rate of .02%. example from 2011 to 2012 the was an increase of ~.07% equating to ~11 million. form 2012 to 2013 ther was an increase of ~.09 % equating to ~16 million.
if we go with the steady increase basing out of around .12% increase every year ( very conservative)
from 2013 to 2014 we could expect the Borg to pay out about 222 million dollars.
from 2014 to 2015 we could expect the Borg to pay out about 248 million dollars.
from 2015 to 2016 we could expect the Borg to pay out about 277 million dollars.
from 2015 to 2016 we could expect the Borg to pay out about 307 million dollars.
etc etc etc.
Remember these are regular payout for special pioneers, missionaries, and TO’s and not mentioned is the amount of money it takes to run a website.
If the Borg accountants are on the same line as I am, then they are seeing a bleak future. Adjustments are going to be made.
and rembember these doesn't include the lawsuits either.
1. reduce publications
2. more compaignes to advertise the website.
3. have rank and file pledge money.
more brainwashing to come.
it's a freaking cult
Recent adjustments related to doctrinal matters will be reflected in the revised editions. Also, material in the revised books will be updated to contain quotations and references from the revised New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
Not to encourage their cultish practice of revising their history, but how does it make sense to deliberately place literature that has "Old Light" concerning "doctrinal matters"?
How does that square with the concept of preaching the Truth? Why don't they just take it on the chin and recycle the paper in the out-dated books and immediately begin placing only literature that contains the "New Light" teachings?
How do the R&F not see the inconsistency and contradiction of this literature placing scheme?
So they want the old out dated teachings still distributed??
If a supermarket has out dated food, they destroy it...not sell it!
Juan Viejo2
I think Apognophos is right on the money.
If they are admitting that the current books are out of date and new versions with updated "truth" (in other words, it wasn't "truth" to begin with) are about to be released, they are clearly admitting that they offer false or defective information to their readers.
And to begin quoting from the "Silver Sword" version? Has anyone here actually read that monstrosity? Not only has the reader level dropped down from about 8th grade to 4th grade, whole chapters have been reworked.
I once felt that much of my interest in history and writing was due to my connection with JWs and reading Watchtower literature. Compare the maroon version of "Let God Be True" that converted my parents and me to JWism to any of the current "study" books. It's like comparing "The Magic of Everything" by Richard Dawkins to Dr. Suess.
If they are admitting that the current books are out of date and new versions with updated "truth" (in other words, it wasn't "truth" to begin with) are about to be released, they are clearly admitting that they offer false or defective information to their readers.
As overt an admission as you'll ever get from them that they don't care about teaching people the truth at all. Or maybe they can rationalize it by saying, well, *most* of it is still 'the truth', so why delay giving it out on account of a little information that has already been adjusted? If the person is really interested, they'll find out the adjusted teaching anyway. No sense in wasting a good book, right?