BORG running low on $$$??

by fader77 71 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DesirousOfChange

    There seems to be great efforts to cut costs in addition to the recent money grab from all the Congregations (at least in the US).

    I hope they are truly running out of $$$ since they only make changes in policy if it will save money or reduce their risk (against lawsuits for example).

    I see many older JWs who are already awakening to the fact that there is a money grab going on. They older ones remember the boast that Jehovah will always provide because HE owns all the gold and silver and valuable things. Thus he will provide the FUNDS as proof of HIS BLESSING.

    They see the financial problems as the possible removal of Jehovah's Blessing.

    It's the old folks that have their nestegg. Hopefully they'll see that WT has "lost Jehovah's Blessing' before the WT wrestles their nestegg away from them under false pretenses.


  • berrygerry

    This is a chart of the Canadian statements for the past 5 years.

    You can see the spike in 2010, a modest increase in 2011, but then plummets in 2012 and 2013.

    Unless they're moving the cash to the Caymans, those are big drops.

  • berrygerry

    Actually, the biggest change is:

    That could be the extra cost for printing all North America English mags.

  • Defianttruth

    Line 4100 cash. In 2006 about 50 million. In 2013 25 million. It's interesting to note in the year 2011 they started donating 10 million per year to charities. Who thinks that 30 million decline in cash on hand went to mother?

  • goingthruthemotions

    what charities? or is a self charity? i hope they get busted for Money laundering

  • Vidiot

    Isn't that (shredding and/or burning all its incriminating documents) what a corrupt regime does when they're about to be exposed and overthrown?

  • nonjwspouse

    Cash, other capital assets, ( not land and buildings) and tax recipt gifts in y2010 all went up.

    What's this amount recieved from other charities 4510? Huh? They are on the take from other charirties?

    4140 Long term investments cut in half in y2012... hmm , and other liabilties went up and keep rising. (Also in y2011 they began the 4890 line charitable donations????)

    Cash jumped in y2010, then again even more in y2011, ( LT investments also reduced by a large amount y 2011) then cash reducing in large amounts each year after. hmmm (Divested in those investments and sending the money to another WTS corperation???) Total other gifts 4530 jumbed as well in y2010 and up through y2012.

    They definitly disposed of assets with a bigger accounting loss in y2010 & smaller loss in 11, ( same year as cash jumping) yet the 4155 land is exactly the same until y2013, 4160 Other capital assets jumped in y2010. ( same year as cash jumping) Just which year did canada begin the policy of moving all "extra" KH money to thier counties Bethal branch. Then doesn't the bethal branch in diffrent countries also send money to HQ?

    4140 long term investments cut basically in half the next year, y2011. and 4891 other expeditures also jumped in y2011 & y2012

    y2013 assets, cash and Long term investments are way down. This shows a cash moving organization. It does not show sell off of 4155 land etc, only the LT investments y2011& y2012. It also begins showing charitable program donations in that . ( to whom?) ( another wts corp?)

    4330 Other liabilties grow and grow. Hmm. Again for what and to whom? ( another wts corp?) 4891 other expeditures jumped in y2011 & y2012

    4891 Total cost of supplies to jump from 11 to almost 39 in the five years is pretty signifigant. Looks like a padding to me.

    Debt to asset ratio went from 28% to a almost doubled 40% in 5 years. This is not a healthy number. Reduced assets, increased debt. Unless that is you WANT this to look this way so a court will see less to award from them in a case...hmmmm

    Accounting notes sure would be nice. It's very hard to evaluate it when the notes are non-existant.

  • Apognophos

    Yes, I just don't think these numbers are meaningful at all without seeing what's happening on the "other side" -- the other branches and WT companies. And we're never going to see the complete books, so we don't have much chance of understanding what is going on.

  • JWdaughter

    I can't believe that they even have the nerve to say that even though we have changed our doctrine and are revising this literature, we still want you to distirbute it until we provide you with the updated (crap) literature.

    On two levels this bugs me. First of all, they are teaching what they NOW believe to be falsehoods to folks, SECOND, is this not the religion that brags that while they make adjustments to their understanding, that no critical teachings have changed? Have they just defined critical as those things that they have NOT yet changed? Cause I personally think that changing the definiton of the FDS is kind of critical. Just saying.

  • berrygerry

    I like the 22k spent on education and training. (For a 50 million dollar entity)

    You get what you pay for.

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