Cash, other capital assets, ( not land and buildings) and tax recipt gifts in y2010 all went up.
What's this amount recieved from other charities 4510? Huh? They are on the take from other charirties?
4140 Long term investments cut in half in y2012... hmm , and other liabilties went up and keep rising. (Also in y2011 they began the 4890 line charitable donations????)
Cash jumped in y2010, then again even more in y2011, ( LT investments also reduced by a large amount y 2011) then cash reducing in large amounts each year after. hmmm (Divested in those investments and sending the money to another WTS corperation???) Total other gifts 4530 jumbed as well in y2010 and up through y2012.
They definitly disposed of assets with a bigger accounting loss in y2010 & smaller loss in 11, ( same year as cash jumping) yet the 4155 land is exactly the same until y2013, 4160 Other capital assets jumped in y2010. ( same year as cash jumping) Just which year did canada begin the policy of moving all "extra" KH money to thier counties Bethal branch. Then doesn't the bethal branch in diffrent countries also send money to HQ?
4140 long term investments cut basically in half the next year, y2011. and 4891 other expeditures also jumped in y2011 & y2012
y2013 assets, cash and Long term investments are way down. This shows a cash moving organization. It does not show sell off of 4155 land etc, only the LT investments y2011& y2012. It also begins showing charitable program donations in that . ( to whom?) ( another wts corp?)
4330 Other liabilties grow and grow. Hmm. Again for what and to whom? ( another wts corp?) 4891 other expeditures jumped in y2011 & y2012
4891 Total cost of supplies to jump from 11 to almost 39 in the five years is pretty signifigant. Looks like a padding to me.
Debt to asset ratio went from 28% to a almost doubled 40% in 5 years. This is not a healthy number. Reduced assets, increased debt. Unless that is you WANT this to look this way so a court will see less to award from them in a case...hmmmm
Accounting notes sure would be nice. It's very hard to evaluate it when the notes are non-existant.