JW.ORG signs on Assembly Hall

by Nosferatu 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    What the hell is going on here? I drove past the assembly hall today and noticed the square blue jw.org signs on the building. Coupled with the steel gate that keeps worldlings out, it REALLY looks quite cultish.

    So is that the new name for the kingdom halls or something? I thought it was really bizarre.

  • WTWizard

    And they have the nerve to bash crosses and swastikas on buildings of other religions? The xians have their crosses, and many pagan and Hindu denominations (most popular in the Oriental) use the swastika as their sacred symbol. The cross represents the Zodiac, and is connected with the chakras. The swastika is the symbol of the Sun.

    Now, what is their justification of venerating the jw-dot-org symbol? Is that the symbol of something within astrology? Is that a symbol of an important element of the soul? Or, is it just a symbol of worshiping the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger?

  • Nosferatu

    So I found the original thread about this:


    I mean, it SERIOUSLY looks like an scary institution. I figured it would be in the WT's best interest to make themselves look more friendly and inviting instead of an evil prison. But I must say it's quite fitting. Perhaps I'll drive by and take a picture later today


    Please take a picture! Also, check out the post about the company who makes JW signs as part of re-branding.


  • SAHS

    It kind of reminds me of those commercials for that new investment bank, ING Direct, now called “Tangerine.” It shows a somewhat youngish guy holding a tangerine-colored coffee mug saying, “It’s that simple!,” and they highlight the color tangerine. The WTS should make some sort of similar commercial – only their catch phrase would be, “Think blue: JW.org.” I can just imagine such a commercial with a governing body member holding a blue-colored coffee mug with the JW.org logo on it.

  • sd-7

    Yeah, I'll reiterate what I said on the thread Nosferatu mentioned--the Assembly Hall in my area also has the JW.ORG logo on it--that blue square logo. I was just out there yesterday to take my family to the assembly. So it's happening.


  • Pistoff

    I have seen only one JW.ORG sign so far; it looked quite out of place, a bright blue square on an otherwise attractive building.

  • stillin

    There's one on the hall where I take my wife. the future is here!

  • Suspicious

    The hall I attend has the jw.org logo as well. It was added last month to both sides of the kingdom hall.

  • sunny23

    Let's have a contest lasting one month of who can put the most "JWFACTS.COM" stickers on these signs! I could do 4 halls tomorrow :)

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