This is a possible senario theough not likely... however... there is a small chance..
Why do we so-called apostates and infultrator (like me) stand back.. it time to slowly take more control then information
Th GB is NOT the enemy the Writing department and the Board of Driectors are the real men... once I see and infultration and take over there I will be convinced JW's wil splinter... not before
Are you suggesting that JW's would listen to information that did not come from Jehovah's mouthpiece? I know that my family members spend at least 4 hours per week at meetings, being reminded not to listen to anything from outside the walls of the Tower. That does not include the time they spend having these ideas reinforced while they ride around in cars with other JW's, all reassuring each other that they are the ONLY religion that has the TRUTH... since the world is so full of lies.
Every attempt that I have made to enlighten my family members, has fallen flat or made things worse.
The Jehovah's Witness organization definitely fits the criteria of a "high control" religion. I think the word "cult" is accurate, but should not be used to describe the organization, when speaking to JW's. It is a trigger word, and suggests a sort of inevitable doom (and mass suicide) for the members.
My parents are converts. My dad was raised evangelical, but had become worldly and hadn't attended church in decades. The story of how they ended up JW's is interesting, but pretty typical. I think my mom got baptized about a year ago, and my dad has been officially a JW for almost 3 years now.
Statements made by my parents, that have been enough to cause alarm:
My father (to all 6 of his children, via email): "The top priority in my life is to BE A GOOD JEHOVAH'S WITNESS. I hope you have noticed some positive changes." (I responded and challenged him to ask himself if he was serving God, or was he serving an organization).
Also from my dad: "I don't know... they are smarter than me!" (repeated 3 times in one visit).
When I asked him what was the difference between me following Jesus and what the Bible says, and his being baptized into the organization, he leaned back and said, "I don't know, and that is what I like about this... I don't have to think about it anymore. I don't have to judge people. Jehovah will do that! That is the beauty of this."
My mother has answered direct questions in ways that suggest she is under some type of mind control:
I asked her, "Do you believe that the Watchtower organization speaks for God?" -- (without taking a pause to think) She replied, "Yes, I do."
When I saw the article from the July 15, 2013 magazine, which told them to "be prepared to obey instructions, whether they make sense from a human standpoint or not," I forwarded a copy of the article to them both (appox. June, 2013). She replied, "Don't worry. We won't drink the Kool-aid." (I challenged her and my dad to talk about what exactly they WOULD do... "You might want to think ahead, and think about what human limits you are willing to ignore.")
After the article had been presented in September, I asked her what the reaction had been about that article and the "instructions." She said, "We are all just waiting to see what they are going to tell us to do!" (!!!! WHAT !!!!)
They both seem to be operating under this delusion that if they live their lives for Jehovah, and always appear happy and content when they do come around us (rarely), that we will see the amazing difference in their state of being. We will "want what they have." We will all want to join the worldwide brotherhood and enjoy the fruits of being a JW. instead of having fun with our families on Saturdays, we would be so much happier, if we spent those precious hours riding around in our church clothes, knocking on the doors of empty houses!