9-11-2001, GOD DID IT !!!

by Earth Books 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Earth Books
    Earth Books

    9-11-2001, GOD DID IT !!!

    GOD ALMIGHTY is just that, ALL MIGHTY.

    He knows the end from the beginning because he planned and executed the beginning all the way through to the end.

    And 9-11-2001 was only the beginning.

    GOD ALMIGHTY is not what you pretend him to be: Sugar and spice and everything nice.

    We are all, satan inclusive, very tiny, naive and foolish children. And we are going to be moved from our fairy tale suppositions of GOD, to the harsh reality that he is a real force in each and every single persons life. And we, every single person, can and does communicate with him all day long, every single day of our lives.

    You pretend that Jesus will come in some spectacular way of some kind. Well, listen closely, Jesus has been alive, in the flesh, on this planet earth for almost 17 years now. And your spetacular event is going to be GODS way of getting your attention. And it is going to make all of the events of 9-11-2001 minuscule.

    Do you think that GOD did not give us a fairy tale type understanding, about being able to simply repent and be forgiven, during our infancy lifetimes, to keep us from being total foolish idiots for a few thousand years???

    Well, the harsh reality is that what goes around comes around, period.

    Jesus shed his blood for his own sins, and for our GOD given fairy tale.

    Jesus is our larger brother, and our spiritual leader. But there is no way that we can learn good from evil by pretending that our sins are forgiven on the blood of another.

    If you want to know these things, simply pray about them. And if you are not a total foolish idiot you will walk accordingly.

    We all must stick with the word, is correct, even every single word from OUR HEAVENLY FATHER himself, individually, every single day.

    And how long will the churches keep secret their knowledge of OUR HEAVENLY MOTHER?

    Woe, Woe, Woe, for the Christians who treat these revelations, like a three year old, who just got told, that there is no santa claus. These revelations should be as plain as the nose on your face, to the righteous. And all the denial in the world will not change these realities, or put Jesus back in the womb.

    The spectacular event that you have all been waiting for is explained on our web page at- http://members.aol.com/ThusSaithGOD/

  • Farkel




    WHOA!!...Look mabel, a REAL jack-ass!!

  • Celia

    Larsguy . . . is that you ?
    No, Jesus/Larsguy came back in 1992, that's only ten years ago...

  • BeautifulGarbage

    "Well, listen closely, Jesus has been alive, in the flesh, on this planet earth for almost 17 years now.

    17 years?!? Sorry, EB, I have to correct you on that. I went to high school with a number of Jesus' (pronounced Hay-suez). They are all certainly older than 17.

    Plus, I had a darn good gardener a few years ago. He was definitely over the age of 17. And what was his name? You guessed it! Jesus!


  • ring

    I thought Allah did it

  • crawdad2

    wow earth books!!!

    did anything you just said actually make sense to you????
    or doesn't it have to make sense?.......do you care if it makes sense?

    i couldn't make heads or tails of it, so i give you a D+,.....cause at least you expressed yourself.


    Hey guys...take a true trip in insanity and click on his link.....

    Just a few fries short of a happymeal!

  • Perry

    I think the man's cheese just slid off his cracker.

  • Simon

    "Lord, save us from your followers"

    How come God attracts such nutcases ?

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